Trauung 1901 Wien, lesehilfe

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  • JPmiaou
    • 01.09.2014
    • 51

    [gelöst] Trauung 1901 Wien, lesehilfe

    Wien I. (St. Augustin), Trauungsbuch 1899-1905, fol. 81: 1901 20. Mai, Nyiri Vilmos & Melania Pachhofer.

    (Apologies for writing in English; I can read German, but not write in it.)

    May I beg a full transcription of the entry? I can mostly just make out the parts that I already know (which happen to coincide pretty closely with the parts not written in That Godforsaken Script):

    May 20, 1901
    Groom: Nyiri Wilhelm Lajos, born 16 May 1869 in Demecser, (living in? Geszteréd), Szabolcs county, Hungary, son of Nyiri Johann and his wife Amália born Korányi, Catholic, age 32, single
    Bride: Pachhofer Melania Anna Michaela, born 28 May 1880 in Mauer, daughter of Pachhofer Julius and his wife Michaela Anna born Schill, Catholic, age 20, single
    Witness 1: ??? Nyiri, .... Budapest
    Witness 2: Victor Pachhofer, merchant, Vienna, IV. Lambrechtgasse No. 9

    I can figure out that the paragraph between the bride and the witnesses must me her dad giving permission for her marriage, but I can only make out the names, and I absolutely cannot make heads or tails of the last column. I also can't figure out what's *between* the parts that I can read: occupations? residences? something else entirely?
  • Karla Hari
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 19.11.2014
    • 5878


    I write the missing-parts in german

    May 20, 1901
    Groom: Nyiri Wilhelm Lajos, k.k. Postbeamter
    born 16 May 1869 in Demecserben, zuständig nach Geszteréd, Szabolcs county, Hungary,
    son of Nyiri Johann (Verwalter am Leben) and his wife Amália born Korányi (seelig [tot]), both Catholic,
    wohnt in Budapest, Sigmundstraße 13a; age 32, single

    Bride: Pachhofer Melanie Anna Michaela, Private, born 28 May 1880 in Mauer, Nord Österreich, zuständig nach Wien,
    daughter of Pachhofer Julius (Kaufmann) and his wife Michaela Anna born Schill, both Catholic and alife,
    wohnt: I Annagasse N. 1; age 20, single
    Witness 1: Klepweder(???) v. Nyiri, k.u.k. Oberst im Generalstab, Commandant der Ludovika Akademie in Budapest
    Witness 2: Victor Pachhofer, merchant, Vienna, IV. Lambrechtgasse No. 9

    Ich gebe in Gegenwart der obenstehenden Zeugen meine Einwilligung zur Trauung meiner minderjährigen Tochter Melanie mit Nyiri Wilhelm
    Julius Pachthofer

    verkündet hier und in Budapest st. Elisabeth ...1901

    Heirats Dokumente:
    Tauf-Wohngszsse [Wohnungszeugnisse]
    Bewilligung vom k. ung. Justiz Minist(erium) zu Budapest am 11.5.1901 Z.4422
    Standesamts Matrik Verkdg. (Verkündigung??) zu Gerztered N:23/4 1901 Z.602
    Zuletzt geändert von Karla Hari; 23.08.2018, 06:39.
    Lebe lang und in Frieden


    • Zita
      • 08.12.2013
      • 6647


      Witness 1: Alexander v. Nyiri

      Liebe Grüße


      • JPmiaou
        • 01.09.2014
        • 51

        Based on his occupation/position, I think the first witness must be the groom's older brother Sándor ( Could that first word ("Klepweder(???)") actually be Alexander?


        • Zita
          • 08.12.2013
          • 6647

          Yes, Alexander is German for Sandor.

          Liebe Grüße


          • Karla Hari
            Erfahrener Benutzer
            • 19.11.2014
            • 5878

            jetzt wo ichs weiß, kann ich auch lesen
            Lebe lang und in Frieden


            • JPmiaou
              • 01.09.2014
              • 51

              Ah, yes: Kurrentschrift, the writing that's only readable if you already know exactly what it says.

              Thank you both for your help!

