Help with translating two entries from Rothenditmold, Survey 1794-1830, Page 25

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  • jzaun
    • 07.07.2015
    • 52

    [gelöst] Help with translating two entries from Rothenditmold, Survey 1794-1830, Page 25

    Quelle bzw. Art des Textes:
    Jahr, aus dem der Text stammt: 1812
    Ort und Gegend der Text-Herkunft: Rothenditmold
    Namen um die es sich handeln sollte: Rothenditmold, Survey 1794-1830, Page 24 & 25


    It's been awhile as I took a little break from my research. But I'm looking over documents again and could use some of your expertise

    Link to document

    I'm looking to have the 3rd entry on the right translated. So far I think it says:

    Anna Elizabeth ?? Fredrich Zaun et ux.
    Anna Elizabeth ???
    ?? Anna Elizabeth

    I can't tell the date of the record but I can see she died on 29th of March 1818 or 1816.

    Having just looked over the document again to write this post I see on the 5th entry on the right the last line is Zaun. It's not underlined so I missed it at first. I think this is for an Anna Elizabeth as well, but I can't make out much of this entry at all.

    I find this handwriting clear but very hard to read, I'm hoping someone here can do better than me

    Thank you very much for your help!
    - Justin
  • Karla Hari
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 19.11.2014
    • 5878


    4.) den 22 ten ej (den 22. Maerz/March)
    Anna Elisabeth, des ... Friedrich Zaun et ux...
    Anna Elisabeth gebohr. Neussel ehl. Töchterl. nat: den 16 ten ej.
    Nachmittags um 4 Uhr Gevatterin war Anna Elisabeth
    + 29 März 1816

    [born the 16th of March 1812 at 4 p.m.]
    Zuletzt geändert von Karla Hari; 17.03.2016, 09:06.
    Lebe lang und in Frieden


    • Wolfg. G. Fischer
      Erfahrener Benutzer
      • 18.06.2007
      • 5008


      "4.) den 22 ten ej (den 22. Maerz/March)
      Anna Elisabeth, des Weisbinders Friedrich Zaun et uxor
      Anna Elisabeth gebohr. Neussel ehl. Töchterl. nat: den 16 ten ej.
      Nachmittags um 4 Uhr Gevatterin war Anna Elisabeth
      Zaun, + 29 März 1816"

      Weißbinder = (house) painter

      Regards, Wolfgang


      • jzaun
        • 07.07.2015
        • 52

        Thank you very much.
        - Justin

