St. Lukas Pfarramt in Chemnitz

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  • ajowo
    • 08.05.2010
    • 67

    St. Lukas Pfarramt in Chemnitz


    A friend of mine is looking to contact the St. Lukas Pfarramt in Chemnitz for information on her family. Does anyone know how she can contact the parish online? She was told by the church in Saxony that she had to contact the individual parish.

    Thank you,
    Kind Regards,
  • Pendolino
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 09.04.2009
    • 12102

    Hello Janice!

    in 1885 acquired the St. Petri-church which was established in the Theatre Square and was one of the Luke community until 1897, an area in the Josephine area for the construction of a new church. From an architectural competition was carried out 1897/1898 Design by Ernst Giese and son (Dresden) victorious. 1899 started the construction, and in 1901 was the completed church was dedicated in. In March 1945 the building was destroyed by bombs, its ruins were demolished 1947th Of individual parts of a memorial wall was built. Since that time the two communities are united again.
    So here's the link to the rectory of St. Petri:

    I recommend to ask there as to the whereabouts of the churchbooks of St. Lukas.
    Viele Grüße von Pendolino!

    Hier findet ihr Übersichten meiner Vorfahren aus Sachsen und Thüringen
    sowie aus der (Elch-) Niederung in Ostpreußen

    Dauersuche in Ostpreußen und im Memelland:
    Alles zu den Familiennamen Kumbartzky, Matzeit (Macait) und Petrick

    Weisheit ist nicht das Ergebnis der Schulbildung, sondern des lebenslangen Versuches, sie zu erwerben. (A. Einstein)


    • ajowo
      • 08.05.2010
      • 67

      Thank you so much for your help! I will let my friend know!
      Kind Regards,

