Wayant - Köln

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    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 29.07.2013
    • 544

    Hello Melissa,
    here are the key points:

    Marriage: 22.07.1842

    Johann David Vayant, 31 years old, born in Boudry, principality and canton Neuchatel , Switzerland, businessman,

    resident in Brüssel, Kingdom of Belgium, son of Johann Peter Vayant, factory-administrator, and Johanna Magdalena Delessert, without business, both resident in Boudry, principality and canton Neuchatel , Switzerland,

    and Maria Catharina Lindlau, 30 years old, born in Köln, without business, daughter of the deceased Jacob Lindlau, starch-industrialist and the deceased Catharina Hennes, without business, both deceased in Köln.
    Birth certificate bride: 28.05.1812 N° 718 Köln
    Death certificate father of the bride: 27.05.1818 N° 781 Köln
    Death certificate mother of the bride: 10.12. 1830 N° 2557 Köln

    Grandfather Bride on father’s side died 10.12.1792, register of deaths church St. Maria in Lyskirchen, Köln

    Grandmother Bride on father’s side died 24.Ventôse year nine (French revolution calendar – that means 15. 03. 1801)

    The parents of the bride’s mother died in Alfter (that’s a town near Bonn)

    Marriage winesses:

    Anton Josef Mäurer, without business, 35 years old, resident in Köln, neighbor of the bride
    Anton Britz, 25 years old, watchmaker, resident in Köln, acquaintance of the groom
    Gottfried Lindlau, distiller, 43 years old, resident in Köln, brother of the bride
    Gerhard Lindlau, industrialist, 35 years old, resident in Köln, brother of the bride

    Many regards


    • mewyant
      • 23.12.2010
      • 10

      Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are WONDERFUL!

