Need some help (Bramfeld)

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  • remek116
    • 28.08.2014
    • 7

    Need some help (Bramfeld)

    Hello everyone,

    My name is Remigiusz Jaworek. I live in Poland. Im not good in german so i hope that my email will be read. I have a few question. Since the certain time I am seeking my ancestors and my search took me to Hamburg. I learnt, that my great-grandfather - Jan Jaworek was born in Bramfeld in 1912. Documents which I have have information about the fact that Marianna Jaworek was Jan's mother and she never got married. Am I thinking whether finding Jan's birth certificate at archives in Hamburg is possible? If not, whether for me you can help and indicate the place where should I search?

    Is somebody who could help me?
  • Friederike
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 04.01.2010
    • 7850

    Hallo Remigiusz,

    die Standesamtsunterlagen von Bramfeld aus 1912 werden im Standesamt von Hamburg-Wandsbek verwahrt.
    Hier ist die Email-Adresse: Standesamt [ at ]
    Es gibt ein paar Dinge die alle Menschen verbinden und Sie werden feststellen, dass das Standesamt mit seinen Aufgaben dabei eine große Rolle spielt.

    Bestelle dort am besten eine unbeglaubigte vollständige Kopie mit allen Randvermerken aus dem originalen Geburtsregister.
    Diese Kopie kostet 12 €.

    Mag jemand bitte dies für Remigiusz in Englisch übersetzen?
    Viele Grüße
    Gesucht wird das Sterbedatum und der Sterbeort des Urgroßvaters
    Gottlob Johannes Ottomar Hoffmeister geb. 16.11.185o in Havelberg
    __________________________________________________ ____


    • scheuck
      Erfahrener Benutzer
      • 23.10.2011
      • 4526

      Need some help....

      Zitat von Friederike Beitrag anzeigen
      Hallo Remigiusz,

      die Standesamtsunterlagen von Bramfeld aus 1912 werden im Standesamt von Hamburg-Wandsbek verwahrt.
      Hier ist die Email-Adresse: Standesamt [ at ]
      Es gibt ein paar Dinge die alle Menschen verbinden und Sie werden feststellen, dass das Standesamt mit seinen Aufgaben dabei eine große Rolle spielt.

      Bestelle dort am besten eine unbeglaubigte vollständige Kopie mit allen Randvermerken aus dem originalen Geburtsregister.
      Diese Kopie kostet 12 €.

      Mag jemand bitte dies für Remigiusz in Englisch übersetzen?
      Na klar!

      Hello, Remigiusz!
      The registery office documents Bramfeld 1912 are to be find at the registry office Hamburg-Wandsbek.
      Here the mail-adress:
      You should order an uncertified copy including all marginal notes from the original birth-register. You’ll have to pay €12.-!
      Herzliche Grüße


      • Friederike
        Erfahrener Benutzer
        • 04.01.2010
        • 7850

        Herzlichen Dank, liebe Scheuck!
        Viele Grüße
        Gesucht wird das Sterbedatum und der Sterbeort des Urgroßvaters
        Gottlob Johannes Ottomar Hoffmeister geb. 16.11.185o in Havelberg
        __________________________________________________ ____


        • remek116
          • 28.08.2014
          • 7

          Thank you very much for help.

          I am not good at German and I don't know how to keep still after of the webt: I can see that there is a possibility to order documents online. I don't know how to do it. Is it necessary to perform the transfer? To what number of the bank account? I don't know how to be out of order from beginning to end.
          I think that I should enter in "Urkunden und Beurkundungen" and to click "online", farther I am choosing "STANDESAMT HAMBURG-WANDSBEK / Registers" and later I am clicking "Online-Urkundenbestellung"?? I am calling for help. I never did it before, and German language additionally is limiting me.


          • scheuck
            Erfahrener Benutzer
            • 23.10.2011
            • 4526

            Need some help....

            Hello, Remigiusz!

            I'm not an "expert" regarding online-orders, but....

            I tried to get in by
            - Urkunden und Beurkundungen
            - online-order
            - Geburtsurkunden
            - Geburtsort >>> I gave in Bramfeld, Stadtteil Hamburg
            and figured out, they want to know the exact street and a house-number
            so I can't get in further

            May be my "way to get in" is wrong; may be here is someone who knows better?

            Another question: do you know the exact birthday? Do you know where the family lived in 1912? - If not, the online-order may be impossible.

            I would suggest to order the record by letter and I'm sure you'll find someone at this forum who'll write this letter in German for you!
            If you don't want to make the exact data public in here, let me know by "private message" and I'll do it. Let me know your mail-adress as well.

            Regards and good luck!
            Herzliche Grüße


            • Kleeschen
              Erfahrener Benutzer
              • 01.03.2014
              • 1657

              Hello Remigiusz,
              Hello scheuck,
              Hello everybody,

              I already ordered documents in this registry office. You don't have to do it on this website. You can easily send an email to the office: Standesamt [at] wandsbek [dot] hamburg [dot] de. Just say the name of your great grandfather, his birthdate (if you know) and it's really important that you say he was born in Bramfeld. Write a text that you want "eine unbgelaubigte Registerablichtung mit allen Randvermerken". So they can help you better. I don't think that the english language is a problem for them.
              I worked for a time in a registry office in Hamburg (not this). An I know they digitised them (if they did like the registry office where I was).

              Zitat von scheuck Beitrag anzeigen
              HI would suggest to order the record by letter and I'm sure you'll find someone at this forum who'll write this letter in German for you!
              I think, I can help you! I sent many times letters to this registry office.

              Gouv. Cherson (Ukraine): Wahler, Oberländer, Schauer, Gutmüller, Schock, Freuer, Her(r)mann, Deschler & Simon
              Batschka (Ungarn/Serbien): Freier, Schock, Fuchs, Nessel, Weingärtner & Simon
              Rems-Murr-Kreis & Krs. Esslingen (Württemberg): Wahler, Bischoff, Stark, Schmid, Eiber & Magnus (Mang)
              Donnersbergkreis (Pfalz): Weingärtner, Gäres (Göres) & Opp
              Krs. Südwestpfalz (Pfalz): Freyer, Stecke, Neuhart & Kindelberger
              Krs. Germersheim (Pfalz): Deschler, Bär, Humbert, Dörrzapf & Stauch


              • remek116
                • 28.08.2014
                • 7

                Great, but whether it will be sufficient to write the mail message and I will receive reply it being interested in me? And what with payment 12 E, what is it regarding?

                One thing that i know is: Jan Jaworek was born in 02 Dec. 1912 Bramfeld


                • scheuck
                  Erfahrener Benutzer
                  • 23.10.2011
                  • 4526

                  Zitat von remek116 Beitrag anzeigen
                  Great, but whether it will be sufficient to write the mail message and I will receive reply it being interested in me? And what with payment 12 E, what is it regarding?

                  One thing that i know is: Jan Jaworek was born in 02 Dec. 1912 Bramfeld

                  at the "Standesamt" the employees will have to search for this more than 100 years old record. That costs time and therefore money; in this special case your money!
                  After they got your mail, they'll tell you how to pay those €12.-; they'll let you know their account number. - You'll have to pay first and to send a copy of the remittance slip, so they see you have payed. After that they'll send the copy

                  Herzliche Grüße


                  • Friederike
                    Erfahrener Benutzer
                    • 04.01.2010
                    • 7850

                    Hallo zusammen,

                    da standesamtliche Geburtsurkunden aus 1912 ja noch dem Datenschutz unterliegen,
                    wird Remigiusz nachweisen müssen, dass er in direkter Linie verwandt ist mit Jan
                    Jaworek. Scan des Personalausweises und anderer Urkunden kann man an eine E-Mail dranhängen.
                    Viele Grüße
                    Gesucht wird das Sterbedatum und der Sterbeort des Urgroßvaters
                    Gottlob Johannes Ottomar Hoffmeister geb. 16.11.185o in Havelberg
                    __________________________________________________ ____


                    • scheuck
                      Erfahrener Benutzer
                      • 23.10.2011
                      • 4526

                      Zitat von Friederike Beitrag anzeigen
                      Hallo zusammen,

                      da standesamtliche Geburtsurkunden aus 1912 ja noch dem Datenschutz unterliegen,
                      wird Remigiusz nachweisen müssen, dass er in direkter Linie verwandt ist mit Jan
                      Jaworek. Scan des Personalausweises und anderer Urkunden kann man an eine Email dranhängen.

                      Yes, that's right and thanks, Friederike!!!

                      Remigiusz, records from 1912 are still "private", so you'll have to declare the "Standesamt" you are related in direct line (which means father/mother; gardfather/grandmother and so on).
                      So you should copy your identity card or scan it to identify yourself.
                      Herzliche Grüße


                      • Kleeschen
                        Erfahrener Benutzer
                        • 01.03.2014
                        • 1657

                        Zitat von remek116 Beitrag anzeigen
                        Great, but whether it will be sufficient to write the mail message and I will receive reply it being interested in me? And what with payment 12 E, what is it regarding?

                        One thing that i know is: Jan Jaworek was born in 02 Dec. 1912 Bramfeld
                        Hello Remigiusz,
                        Hello Friederike,
                        Hello scheuck,
                        Hello everybody,

                        Remigiusz, did you ask what informations you can get out of that register? Here an example-document and a translatation:

                        Nr. [Nummer des Eintrages].

                        [Ort], am [Datum].

                        Vor dem unterzeichneten Standesbeamten erschien heute, der Persönlichkeit
                        [ausgewiesen durch oder persönlich bekannt],
                        [Name des Anzeigenden]
                        wohnhaft in [Wohnort des Anzeigenden]
                        [Religion des Anzeigenden] Religion, und zeigte an, daß von der
                        [Name der Mutter]
                        [Religion der Mutter] Religion
                        wohnhaft [Wohnort der Mutter]
                        zu [Ort der Geburt des Kindes]
                        am [Datum] des
                        Jahres [Jahr] [Tageszeit der Geburt]
                        um [Geburtszeit] Uhr ein [Geschlecht des Kindes]
                        geboren worden sei und daß das Kind [den oder die] Vornamen
                        erhalten habe.

                        Vorgelesen, genehmigt und [meist "unterschrieben"]
                        [Unterschrift des Anzeigenden]

                        Der Standesbeamte.
                        [Unterschrift des Standesbeamten]

                        On englisch:

                        Nr. [Number of the document]

                        [City / Village], the [Date].

                        To the undersigned registrar came today, known by
                        [how known, for example by passport]
                        residing in [location of reisdence]
                        [religion] religion, and told me, that
                        [name of the mother]
                        [religion] religion
                        residing in [location of reisdence]
                        at [location of birth]
                        the [date of birth]
                        at [birthtime] gave a birth to a [son or daughter]
                        and that the child became the name [name].

                        Red out, approved and [often signed]

                        The registrar.

                        I translated as well as I can.
                        The person who told this to the registrar is often the father. If not, there is written (if known) who the father is.

                        Angehängte Dateien
                        Zuletzt geändert von Kleeschen; 29.08.2014, 22:30. Grund: Fehler korrigiert.
                        Gouv. Cherson (Ukraine): Wahler, Oberländer, Schauer, Gutmüller, Schock, Freuer, Her(r)mann, Deschler & Simon
                        Batschka (Ungarn/Serbien): Freier, Schock, Fuchs, Nessel, Weingärtner & Simon
                        Rems-Murr-Kreis & Krs. Esslingen (Württemberg): Wahler, Bischoff, Stark, Schmid, Eiber & Magnus (Mang)
                        Donnersbergkreis (Pfalz): Weingärtner, Gäres (Göres) & Opp
                        Krs. Südwestpfalz (Pfalz): Freyer, Stecke, Neuhart & Kindelberger
                        Krs. Germersheim (Pfalz): Deschler, Bär, Humbert, Dörrzapf & Stauch


                        • remek116
                          • 28.08.2014
                          • 7

                          Ok, perhaps I will try to tidy it up information and please tell me whether well I understood what you had written:
                          1. at first I should scan my identity card. (My ID is enough? My surname is Jaworek, but I am thinking whether I am supposed to scan identity cards: own, my father and the grandfather in order to receive information about the great-grandfather?)
                          2. I am writing the mail to the address:
                          3. in contents of the mail:
                          a. I am introducing myself and I am giving the full name of my great- grandfather and his date and place of birth.
                          b. I am finishing writing this text: "eine unbgelaubigte Registerablichtung mit allen Randvermerken"
                          4. I am waiting for the response (there will be given data in this reply for the transfer and they say what i should do next?).
                          5. I am doing the transfer to the shown account.
                          6. I am sending with mail to the same address confirmation of the performed transfer.
                          7. I am waiting for the document for which I asked. (will send it in letter for me, or with the mail?)

                          This way is it looking out? I ask for correcting if I misunderstood something.
                          I will know from the document which they are sending how was called mother/father and where were born?

                          I thank everyone


                          • Kleeschen
                            Erfahrener Benutzer
                            • 01.03.2014
                            • 1657

                            Hello Remigiusz,
                            Hello everybody,

                            I'll have to correct you:
                            You'll have to send your own passport, your birth certificate, your father's birth certificate (or marriage wirth your mother (if there are his parents written) and your grandfather's birth certificate (or marriage wirth your granmother (if there are his parents written).
                            You'll have to write that you want "eine unbgelaubigte Registerablichtung mit allen Randvermerken". They know what this is and they'll send this document to you.

                            Ask them in english, if they answer with emails. So they can send their bank-datas and the document faster. I think they have your great grandfather's birth certificate digitized.


                            PS. No, in his birth certificate are just their names and their residence written.
                            Gouv. Cherson (Ukraine): Wahler, Oberländer, Schauer, Gutmüller, Schock, Freuer, Her(r)mann, Deschler & Simon
                            Batschka (Ungarn/Serbien): Freier, Schock, Fuchs, Nessel, Weingärtner & Simon
                            Rems-Murr-Kreis & Krs. Esslingen (Württemberg): Wahler, Bischoff, Stark, Schmid, Eiber & Magnus (Mang)
                            Donnersbergkreis (Pfalz): Weingärtner, Gäres (Göres) & Opp
                            Krs. Südwestpfalz (Pfalz): Freyer, Stecke, Neuhart & Kindelberger
                            Krs. Germersheim (Pfalz): Deschler, Bär, Humbert, Dörrzapf & Stauch


                            • remek116
                              • 28.08.2014
                              • 7

                              Will photographs of these documents be enough? I suspect, that not...: (
                              I have photo a birth certificate of the grandfather, I can scan my passport, or the identity card, I only need copy of a birth certificate of my father.

