Looking for details of Blanche Solomonica and unknown mother

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  • UrsulaK
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 05.02.2011
    • 517

    Here is the link to the marriage record: https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3....2MT:n187300233
    It is posted on the geni profile of Wilhelm, but you have to look up under timeline. I did not find out about that either, until I wondered where gki knew the date from...
    And yes, 28th of April 1895 is the death date of his first wife.
    But, where? The marriage record says his residence was in Bucarest.
    Liebe Grüsse UrsulaK


    • corin
      • 05.02.2014
      • 63

      Create your family tree and invite relatives to share. Search 260 million profiles and discover new ancestors. Share photos, videos and more at Geni.com.

      Hi Ursula. Thanks for the transcribing. was very fortunate getting contact from a solomonica out there who had some more details. with that and the conections youve made I have added the solomonicas from iasi/vienna to my tree based on the assumption that wilhelm is the father.


      • corin
        • 05.02.2014
        • 63

        just got Wilhelms records...no real info :0) got to keep the suspense a little longer haha
        the address given is right next to the rest of the family though.

        Sehr geehrter Herr Stone,
        in den im Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv verwahrten historischen Wiener Meldeunterlagen konnten zu Ihrer Anfrage die folgenden Daten ermittelt werden.
        Wilhelm SOLOMONICA, geboren 12.5.1853 in Jassy, Rumänien, verheiratet (Gattin nicht vermerkt), mosaisch, Staatsbürgerschaft Rumänien,
        26.1.1916 – 7.2.1916: 1., Mölkerbastei 8/18
        Vorher: Bukarest
        Gestorben: 7.2.1916 in Wien
        Mit freundlichen Grüßen


        • gki
          Erfahrener Benutzer
          • 18.01.2012
          • 4866

          He lived for 20 years in the city and all they found was his address a month prior to his death? That's weird.

          Maybe you can ask them if they have any info on a will ("Testament") that he has left.

          And you should start looking for Jewish records from Bucarest.


          • UrsulaK
            Erfahrener Benutzer
            • 05.02.2011
            • 517

            Zitat von gki Beitrag anzeigen
            And you should start looking for Jewish records from Bucarest.
            Yes, but not in the first place, I would say, Iasi is the better choice
            The original records are at the Iaşi County National Archives branch (Direcţia Judeţeană Iaşi a Arhivelor Naţionale) of the National Archives of Romania (Arhivele Naţionale ale României).
            So, try to obtain a copy of Alexanders birth record (Registru pentru actele Starii Civile – Orasul Iaşi / Nascuti)
            from: http://www.arhivelenationale.ro/index.php?lan=0&jud=100

            Perhaps it is a good idea, writing a mail with all formalities of a letter. They may charge a fee.
            Liebe Grüsse UrsulaK


            • Juergen
              Erfahrener Benutzer
              • 18.01.2007
              • 6055

              Hi Corin,

              do you know, an actress named Stella MAHLBERG?
              Maybe she is a daughter of Paul MAHLBERG and Blanche Solomonica?

              In 1943, actress Stella Mahlberg, adress: Berlin Lichterfelde Wilhelmstrasse. 34c.

              --> http://books.google.de/books?id=CSoU...ed=0CEUQ6AEwBA

              At this adress also Dr. Paul MAHLBERG lived in 1943.

              Perhaps Paul Mahlberg has after 1933 divorced his jewish wife Blanche Solomonica.

              Stella Mahlberg was friends with Harro Schulze-Boysen a German Resistance fighter against German dictator Adolf Hitler's Nazi régime.
              Harro Schulze-Boysen:
              --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harro_Schulze-Boysen

              I think Stella MAHLBERG, probably was not a half-jewish, not the daughter of Paul and Blanche MAHLBERG (Solomonica).

              But her father is probably Paul Mahlberg geb. 4. Oct 1889 in Düsseldorf.
              see here:
              --> http://www.foia.cia.gov/sites/defaul...NFRED_0013.pdf

              But this english infos are wrong. Dr. Paul MAHLBERG was not a communist.
              " The father of Stella MAHLBERG is still, as before, communist newspaper in Stuttgart"

              What is this (secret) cia. document?

              Stella MAHLBERG died 1947 in Berlin (suicide)
              No more informations for Stella MAHLBERG.

              Very interessting family and relationship.

              good luck for Romania informations for Solomonica.

              greetings Juergen
              Zuletzt geändert von Juergen; 03.03.2014, 21:52.


              • corin
                • 05.02.2014
                • 63

                Thanks Juergen. Great find.

                The year and city 1889 Dusseldorf are the same as what I found for our Dr Paul Mahlberg the architect. I can't remember where I got this info from though.

                I have not heard of Stella Mahlberg before but we know from the Heckfish book that Blanche had two daughters. Paul and Blanche lived in Lichterfelde at one point at least.
                I dont really understand what you are saying about the relationships? You dont think stella is Blanches daughter?

                I dont know about Paul and communism. will have a search and see if there is any more info out there. Blanche translated H G Wells books into German. books about politics and utopia so who knows? the cia document says her mum committed suicide not to long after Stella. Sounds a very interesting war story. Is it my family though?...


                • Juergen
                  Erfahrener Benutzer
                  • 18.01.2007
                  • 6055

                  hello corin ,
                  There are suspicions of me (relationship).
                  I do not know whether the actress Stella MAHLBERG the daughter of Paul and Blanche Mahlberg was.
                  Was she really the daughter of Blanche MAHLBERG (SOLOMONICA), then it was forthey are very dangerous in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.
                  Her mother Blanche MAHLBERG was jewish.
                  For the Nazis, the daughter was "half-Jew".
                  I am therefore surprised that Stella MAHLBERG late as 1942 in the " Deutsches Theater " in Berlin was committed and the RSHA she has released after questioning from prison.
                  Stella MAHLBERG , since 1940, members of the actor ensemble "Deutsches Theater" in Berlin.

                  "The mysterious" Stellizitas (Stella Mahlberg) in german (sniped) books:
                  --> https://www.google.de/search?client=...erg%22&tbm=bks
                  After 1945 Stella Mahlberg worked probably at the theater in Stuttgart.

                  I do not think the actress Stella MAHLBERG was an agent.
                  The informations of cia-file is probably based on statements by Manfred ROEDER?!

                  Manfred Roeder: --> Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manfred_Roeder_(judge)

                  RSHA = SS-Reichssicherheitshauptamt
                  --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS-Reic...rheitshauptamt

                  greetings Juergen
                  Zuletzt geändert von Juergen; 05.03.2014, 22:00.


                  • corin
                    • 05.02.2014
                    • 63

                    all sounds interesting but I think your right. Half jewish communist gestapo double agent?
                    doesnt sound to likely. would be brave!


                    • corin
                      • 05.02.2014
                      • 63

                      Apologies Juergen. It has been pointed out that the address of Paul and Stella is the same as Paul and Blanche so this must be their daughter? The stories of Red Orchestra and everything else is fascinating. Like a film really but I will read more on this subject because the reality of it seems a whole lot more amazing. I guess we can not find out much depth of truth on the subject of Stella and double/triple secret agent but its very cool? I hope it was true :0)


                      • corin
                        • 05.02.2014
                        • 63


                        Wilhelm...The Wolf...Solomonica
                        is the father :0)


                        • Juergen
                          Erfahrener Benutzer
                          • 18.01.2007
                          • 6055

                          Hello corin,

                          good news for you.

                          Then is certainly true:
                          Paul MAHLBERG, Art historian (* Düsseldorf)
                          Father: Johannes Romanus Mahlberg Beruf: Gerichtskanzleibeamter
                          Mother: Anna Mahlberg.

                          And chlideren?
                          actress Stella MAHLBERG?
                          and on son MAHLBERG??

                          best regards
                          Zuletzt geändert von Juergen; 10.04.2014, 15:58.


                          • UrsulaK
                            Erfahrener Benutzer
                            • 05.02.2011
                            • 517

                            Liebe Grüsse UrsulaK


                            • corin
                              • 05.02.2014
                              • 63

                              Hi guys, thanks :0)

                              I think this shows a reasonable likelihood of a number of things.
                              This is the Paul Mahlberg we have been looking at.
                              Wilhelm is her dad.
                              If Wilhelm is her dad then it is beyond likely that this is Alexanders sister, that the Blanche that designed the glass toy and translated the books was certainly his sister.
                              If Wilhelm was her dad he was Alexanders also.

                              From what you found Juergen I am happy that Stella was her daughter. How Stella and Blanche survived is somewhat a mystery. The name of her other daughter? no idea


                              • Juergen
                                Erfahrener Benutzer
                                • 18.01.2007
                                • 6055

                                Hello corin,

                                There is a portrait of the expressionist painter Walter Ophey give.

                                G.413 S.78
                                Potrait Frau MAHLBERG -1916
                                Öl auf Leinwand 70x70cm sign.
                                Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf.
                                Nachlaß Ophey (Oy 70)

                                see here:
                                --> http://books.google.de/books?id=hnZO...ed=0CDsQ6AEwAA

                                Perhaps you know the picture already.
                                But I do not know where the portrait is today.

                                Perhaps in Stadt-Museum Düsseldorf: Image not online
                                -> http://www.duesseldorf.de/stadtmuseu...17/index.shtml

                                But the Potrait is in style of expressionist, not realistic.

                                Here are other art-paintings from Walter Ophey (Painter in Düsseldorf):
                                --> http://www.artnet.de/künstler/walter...onsresultate/4

                                Best regards

