Quelle bzw. Art des Textes: Archives Departementales de la Moselle
Jahr, aus dem der Text stammt: 1771
Ort/Gegend der Text-Herkunft: Angevilliers
Namen um die es sich handeln sollte: Charles de BERGH
Jahr, aus dem der Text stammt: 1771
Ort/Gegend der Text-Herkunft: Angevilliers
Namen um die es sich handeln sollte: Charles de BERGH
Good evening. I am hoping for translation help with the death of Charles Baron de BERGH. I am trying to learn about his birth and parents. Some Family Search records seem to indicate he is American?
I know he married Therese de Bullingen (Butin) but I do not know when. The first child I find for this couple was born in 1730 (Angevilliers).
I am including a link to the death entry from the Moselle Archives (it is on two pages: pages 78 and 79) as well as photos. Thank you for any assistance.
Go to bottom of page 78: