FRENCH Death 1771

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  • ellend1
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 17.09.2019
    • 461

    [gelöst] FRENCH Death 1771

    Quelle bzw. Art des Textes: Archives Departementales de la Moselle
    Jahr, aus dem der Text stammt: 1771
    Ort/Gegend der Text-Herkunft: Angevilliers
    Namen um die es sich handeln sollte: Charles de BERGH

    Good evening. I am hoping for translation help with the death of Charles Baron de BERGH. I am trying to learn about his birth and parents. Some Family Search records seem to indicate he is American?

    I know he married Therese de Bullingen (Butin) but I do not know when. The first child I find for this couple was born in 1730 (Angevilliers).

    I am including a link to the death entry from the Moselle Archives (it is on two pages: pages 78 and 79) as well as photos. Thank you for any assistance.

    Go to bottom of page 78:


    Angehängte Dateien
  • ellend1
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 17.09.2019
    • 461

    I have received a translation for my request:

    The year 1771, March 2nd, died Sir Charles, Baron de Bergh, Knight Lord of Angevillers, Brigadier of the King's Armies, former Colonel of the Regiment of his name, Knight of the Military and Royal Order of Saint Louis, 80 years old, after having been confessed and having received, from the hands of Reverend Father Felix, Capuchin, Holy Viaticum (Communion) and Extreme Unction, in the presence of Adriein Jolas; both undersigned. His body was buried on March 4th in front of the altar of the Blessed Virgin in the presence of the Reverend Father Felix and of Jolas, and Mr. ... surgeon doctor of the military hospital of Thionville, who all signed.

