Hilfe bei der Übersetzung von Russisch ins Englische

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  • slocal
    • 26.02.2022
    • 28

    [gelöst] Hilfe bei der Übersetzung von Russisch ins Englische

    Quelle bzw. Art des Textes: Reisepass
    Jahr, aus dem der Text stammt: 1909
    Ort/Gegend der Text-Herkunft: Russland
    Namen um die es sich handeln sollte:

    vielen Dank für jede Hilfe, die Sie leisten können. Ich versuche zu verstehen, wann und wohin mein Vorfahr gereist ist, mit einer englischen Übersetzung.
    Angehängte Dateien
  • Gastonian
    • 20.09.2021
    • 4193

    Hallo an alle Russisch-Kenner: Ich bitte diese Texte zumindest ins Deutsche zu übersetzen, so daß ich sie dann weiter ins Englische übersetzen kann. Danke!


    I am by no means an expert in Russian, but with the help of Google Translate I have been able to determine that this was issued by the Imperial Russian vice consulate (вице консульство at the beginning of the second printed line at top left) in Thorn (торнъ - both in the middle of that second printed line as well as at the beginning of the dating line) on the 4th (Julian)/17th (Gregorian) September 1909 (сентябрь 1909 in the dating line - for how Cyrillic letters look in handwriting, consult https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_alphabet). It was signed by the vice consul (вице консул right above the signature in middle of left-hand side - the seal next to it appears to be that of the vice-consulate Thorn).

    The beautiful handwriting at bottom of left-hand side shows that it was issued to Johann Schreter, born year 1885, bookkeeper (Бухгалтер), ... [I cannot make out the last line].

    On the right-hand side in the seal I can make out the name Aleksandrovsk (Александровск), the name at that time of what is now Zaporizhzhia (Saporischschja in German transliteration), the administrative center of the district in which the Mennonite colonies of Molotschna (including Margenau) were located. The date inside the seal appears to be 6 Sept 1909 - thus, two days after having received his pass/visa in Thorn, Johann had arrived in Aleksandrovsk on his way home. The stamped lines in the middle of the right-hand side are too blurred to read, but I think I can see a hand-written Окт (Okt., for October) in the dating line with some numbers followed by 1909. Thus I would guess Johann was home for about a month before returning to his regiment in Thorn.


    Wohnort USA


    • slocal
      • 26.02.2022
      • 28

      Zitat von Gastonian Beitrag anzeigen
      Hallo an alle Russisch-Kenner: Ich bitte diese Texte zumindest ins Deutsche zu übersetzen, so daß ich sie dann weiter ins Englische übersetzen kann. Danke!


      I am by no means an expert in Russian, but with the help of Google Translate I have been able to determine that this was issued by the Imperial Russian vice consulate (вице консульство at the beginning of the second printed line at top left) in Thorn (торнъ - both in the middle of that second printed line as well as at the beginning of the dating line) on the 4th (Julian)/17th (Gregorian) September 1909 (сентябрь 1909 in the dating line - for how Cyrillic letters look in handwriting, consult https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_alphabet). It was signed by the vice consul (вице консул right above the signature in middle of left-hand side - the seal next to it appears to be that of the vice-consulate Thorn).

      The beautiful handwriting at bottom of left-hand side shows that it was issued to Johann Schreter, born year 1885, bookkeeper (Бухгалтер), ... [I cannot make out the last line].

      On the right-hand side in the seal I can make out the name Aleksandrovsk (Александровск), the name at that time of what is now Zaporizhzhia (Saporischschja in German transliteration), the administrative center of the district in which the Mennonite colonies of Molotschna (including Margenau) were located. The date inside the seal appears to be 6 Sept 1909 - thus, two days after having received his pass/visa in Thorn, Johann had arrived in Aleksandrovsk on his way home. The stamped lines in the middle of the right-hand side are too blurred to read, but I think I can see a hand-written Окт (Okt., for October) in the dating line with some numbers followed by 1909. Thus I would guess Johann was home for about a month before returning to his regiment in Thorn.


      Hello Carl-Henry,

      Thanks again for your assistance and attention to detail with these translations. You are an asset to this forum!

