Please help, Hungarian kirchebuche 1878.

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  • Peterns
    • 13.12.2018
    • 15

    [gelöst] Please help, Hungarian kirchebuche 1878.

    Quelle bzw. Art des Textes:
    Jahr, aus dem der Text stammt: 1878
    Ort/Gegend der Text-Herkunft: Batschka,
    Namen um die es sich handeln sollte:

    Anna Muller Kula1 small.jpg

    Thanks in advance.
    Zuletzt geändert von Peterns; 31.01.2019, 00:10.
  • obi61
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 03.04.2016
    • 600

    name des kindes: Anna Mária
    Vater:Müller József, Augsburgischer Bekenntnis, beruf Müller,
    Mutter:Brukner Dorottya, Augsburgischer Bekenntnis
    Wohnort: Kula, Nummer 603
    Paten:Szauer Anna Mária, Keller János, Bauer
    Name des geistlichenamter Adolf, pfarrhelfer


    • Horst von Linie 1
      Erfahrener Benutzer
      • 12.09.2017
      • 20016

      Guten Tag,
      ich würde beim Pfarrer Famler lesen.
      Gustav Adolf Famler.
      Autor eines Buches: Gustav Adolf Famler. Torzsa und seine Ansiedlung. Neusatz: V.A. Pajevics, 1884.

      Zuletzt geändert von Horst von Linie 1; 31.01.2019, 17:58.
      Falls im Eifer des Gefechts die Anrede mal wieder vergessen gegangen sein sollte, wird sie hiermit mit dem Ausdruck allergrößten Bedauerns in folgender Art und Weise nachgeholt:
      Guten Morgen/Mittag/Tag/Abend. Grüß Gott! Servus.
      Gude. Tach. Juten Tach. Hi. Hallo.

      Und zum Schluss:
      Freundliche Grüße.


      • Peterns
        • 13.12.2018
        • 15

        Thank you.


        • JPmiaou
          • 01.09.2014
          • 51

          Peterns, where did you find this record? My husband's maternal grandfather was Lutheran from (Bács-)Kula, and he has been a dead end for me: the gazetteers indicate that Kula Lutherans were recorded in Cservenka, and the information I've found online is that the Cservenka Lutheran registers were lost during WWII.


          • Peterns
            • 13.12.2018
            • 15

            Hi JPmiaou, this record is from Evangelical church books for Cservenka, that books are in Arhiv Vojvodine Novi Sad (Ujvidek) Serbia, they don't have online books, i was there and search my ancestors in "digital" (scaned or pictures) version of books. They don't have a books for Kula, but i notice that some records in this books are from Kula.
            For a long time, people thought that all Cservenka church books were lost, but they had two copys of them, one copy is lost during WW2, but another copy is now in Arhiv Vojvodine, they dont have all books even there, but they have some books for Cservenka:


            1830, 1831, 1834, 1841, 1848-1895

            1830, 1831, 1836, 1843-1853, 1856-1859, 1861-1863, 1865-1895

            Roman Catholic: 1856

            You can check here for ancestors from Kula


            • JPmiaou
              • 01.09.2014
              • 51

              Thank you, Peterns. Those dates for the Lutheran records are encouraging: grandfather was born in 1892, and his father in about 1862 (based on his death record).

              Unfortunately, I don't foresee a trip to Ujvidék in my near future, but maybe someday. (My mother goes to Hungary every year, and has been to Serbia once, but paging through images looking for her son-in-law's ancestors is definitely beyond her capacities.)

              None of "my" Kerns are in the Kula book, which is unsurprising given that they were all Lutheran (evangélikus), not Catholic.


              • Peterns
                • 13.12.2018
                • 15

                In archive of Vojvodina foreigners can search ancestors, but they must to ask them 30 days before coming to search, they work mon-fri 8AM-2PM, and they have only one PC computer for research, taht is realy big problem, i was there at 8:30 and computer was busy, i wait 3 hours till i start my research. I think i need 7-10 day to "read" all books, for all vilages in Vojvodina, because people in that period are often change their place of living ...

