Kassel, Survey 1794-1830 Page 52 and 53

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  • jzaun
    • 07.07.2015
    • 52

    [gelöst] Kassel, Survey 1794-1830 Page 52 and 53

    Quelle bzw. Art des Textes: Kassel, Survey 1794-1830
    Jahr, aus dem der Text stammt: 1800 - 1804
    Ort und Gegend der Text-Herkunft: Rothenditmold
    Namen um die es sich handeln sollte:


    I know these are smaller records so I hope I'm not waisting anyones time with them. But the transcriptions are really helpful to me and my research.

    There are 3 records on this document. I think these are all confirmation records but I'm not positive. I can make out Zaun is them all and have made a good guess at the first name based on the date and my current family tree. Beyond that I'm not sure what the other information is. I can see some dates and I think ages, but I'm not positive if I'm reading them correctly or if I'm missing anything else from the page as a whole.

    Page 52 - Friedrich Zaun (top of page 1800)
    Page 52 - Christoph Zaun (middle of page 1801)
    Page 53 - Johannes Zaun (middle of page 1804)

    Link to Document

    Thank you,
  • Karla Hari
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 19.11.2014
    • 5878

    yes, that are confirmation records, and yes - the age is given (14 years etc.)
    sorry about my poor english
    Lebe lang und in Frieden


    • Balthasar70
      Erfahrener Benutzer
      • 20.08.2008
      • 2761

      Hello Justin,


      Page 52 - Friedrich Zaun (top of page 1800)
      aus Geburtsbuch
      1786, 3. Maji Friderich, Mathias Zauns S(ohn) 13 J(ahre) 11 M(onate)

      Page 52 - Christoph Zaun (middle of page 1801)
      (aus Geburtsbuch)
      1787, 6. octob? Christoph, Mathias Zauns - 13 (Jahr) 4 (Monate) 13 (Tage)

      Page 53 - Johannes Zaun (middle of page 1804)
      Johannes Zaun, des verstorbenen Mathias
      Zaun, Tagel(öhner) Sohn __ 1789 d. 18 ? August?
      alt 14 J(ahre) 7 M(onate) 13 T(age)

      Best regards
      Gruß Balthasar70


      • jzaun
        • 07.07.2015
        • 52

        Thank you so much for this. I'm glad I'm starting to read these documents better. Balthasar70, thank you for the transcription. I know it wasn't complex but for me its really a great help.

