Baptism in Scharingen, 1809

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  • Marcio Scheibler
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 28.05.2013
    • 468

    [gelöst] Baptism in Scharingen, 1809

    Quelle bzw. Art des Textes:
    Jahr, aus dem der Text stammt: 1809
    Ort/Gegend der Text-Herkunft:


    Help me to translate the baptism register of Barbara Burde (February 9th,1809), mainly the information about her mother (surname Maruschka) :

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    Marcio Scheibler - Genealogist and writer

    - Feix, Fischer, Haupt, Lammel, Parkert (Burkert), Reckziegel, Scheibler, Seidel - from Böhmen
    - Frantz, Leonhardt, Peiter, Ruppenthal, Tatsch - from Rheinland-Pfalz
    - Sell, Stroschoen - from Pommern
    - Keller - from Baden-Wurtenberg
    - Datthijn - from Netherland
  • Klimlek
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 11.01.2014
    • 2291


    1809, February, 9
    House No. 10
    Bapt. Wenceslaus Stollowsky, capellanus
    cath., woman, conjugal
    midwife Straka
    father: Anton Burde, cottager
    mother: Brigitta, daughter of Wenzel Maruschka,
    from Scharingen Nro.19, cottager, and
    Katharina from Trawniczek?
    witness to marriage:
    Maria Anna, wife of Franz Peikert (Peckert) from
    Scharingen, weawer
    Bernard Wagner, Inwohner in Scharingen
    inhabitant in Scharingen


    • Marcio Scheibler
      Erfahrener Benutzer
      • 28.05.2013
      • 468


      Zitat von Klimlek Beitrag anzeigen

      1809, February, 9
      House No. 10
      Bapt. Wenceslaus Stollowsky, capellanus
      cath., woman, conjugal
      midwife Straka
      father: Anton Burde, cottager
      mother: Brigitta, daughter of Wenzel Maruschka,
      from Scharingen Nro.19, cottager, and
      Katharina from Trawniczek?
      witness to marriage:
      Maria Anna, wife of Franz Peikert (Peckert) from
      Scharingen, weawer
      Bernard Wagner, Inwohner in Scharingen
      inhabitant in Scharingen
      Marcio Scheibler - Genealogist and writer

      - Feix, Fischer, Haupt, Lammel, Parkert (Burkert), Reckziegel, Scheibler, Seidel - from Böhmen
      - Frantz, Leonhardt, Peiter, Ruppenthal, Tatsch - from Rheinland-Pfalz
      - Sell, Stroschoen - from Pommern
      - Keller - from Baden-Wurtenberg
      - Datthijn - from Netherland

