Marriage in Schumburg, 1723

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  • Marcio Scheibler
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 28.05.2013
    • 468

    [gelöst] Marriage in Schumburg, 1723

    Quelle bzw. Art des Textes:
    Jahr, aus dem der Text stammt: 1723
    Ort/Gegend der Text-Herkunft: Schumburg, Bohmen

    Hello, people!!!

    Help me to identify the surname of bride:

    Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and resources.

    In the left side, first column, 29th June, Joannes Swarowsky with Elisabeth, daughter of Georg Bartos(???). I don´t have sure of this surname

    Help me!!!

    Marcio Scheibler - Genealogist and writer

    - Feix, Fischer, Haupt, Lammel, Parkert (Burkert), Reckziegel, Scheibler, Seidel - from Böhmen
    - Frantz, Leonhardt, Peiter, Ruppenthal, Tatsch - from Rheinland-Pfalz
    - Sell, Stroschoen - from Pommern
    - Keller - from Baden-Wurtenberg
    - Datthijn - from Netherland
  • Grapelli
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 12.04.2011
    • 2223

    Hello Marcio,
    I think it should be Elisabeth Bartoss.

    With a "long s", see here:

    MfG Grapelli

    Ex Schumburg.

    29 Junii copulatus est in facie
    ecclesiae honestus juvenis Jo-
    annes Svarowsky, cum sponsa sua
    pariter honesta Elisabetha filia
    Georgii Bartoss, praesentibus Joa-
    cine Waclawitz et Rosina uxore
    Joannis Fischer.
    Herzliche Grße


    • Marcio Scheibler
      Erfahrener Benutzer
      • 28.05.2013
      • 468

      I believe too, but I never saw this surname.

      Marcio Scheibler - Genealogist and writer

      - Feix, Fischer, Haupt, Lammel, Parkert (Burkert), Reckziegel, Scheibler, Seidel - from Böhmen
      - Frantz, Leonhardt, Peiter, Ruppenthal, Tatsch - from Rheinland-Pfalz
      - Sell, Stroschoen - from Pommern
      - Keller - from Baden-Wurtenberg
      - Datthijn - from Netherland


      • Xtine

        • 16.07.2006
        • 28815

        Hi Marcio,

        there is written Bartoß
        It's not the long s, it's the "scharfes s"

        If you don't have a ß on your keyboard, the alternativ spelling is ss
        Viele Grüße .................................. .

        .. .............
        Wer sich das Alte noch einmal vor Augen führt, um das Neue zu erkennen, der kann anderen ein Lehrer sein.


        • Marcio Scheibler
          Erfahrener Benutzer
          • 28.05.2013
          • 468

          I imagined that was it

          Zitat von Xtine Beitrag anzeigen
          Hi Marcio,

          there is written Bartoß
          It's not the long s, it's the "scharfes s"

          If you don't have a ß on your keyboard, the alternativ spelling is ss
          Marcio Scheibler - Genealogist and writer

          - Feix, Fischer, Haupt, Lammel, Parkert (Burkert), Reckziegel, Scheibler, Seidel - from Böhmen
          - Frantz, Leonhardt, Peiter, Ruppenthal, Tatsch - from Rheinland-Pfalz
          - Sell, Stroschoen - from Pommern
          - Keller - from Baden-Wurtenberg
          - Datthijn - from Netherland

