Help - Burial in Klicnov, 1848
Marcio Scheibler - Genealogist and writer
- Feix, Fischer, Haupt, Lammel, Parkert (Burkert), Reckziegel, Scheibler, Seidel - from Böhmen
- Frantz, Leonhardt, Peiter, Ruppenthal, Tatsch - from Rheinland-Pfalz
- Sell, Stroschoen - from Pommern
- Keller - from Baden-Wurtenberg
- Datthijn - from Netherland -
Death: 29 April
Burrial: 2 May
at 2 pm (death or burrial????)
3 house no.
Anna Rosina, wife of deceased Anton Appelt, cottager.
catholic, female 64 years
invalidation, N.54 (death certificate number of the doctor)
Franz Nosek, Cooperator gave her the last rites, Joseph Krupary pastor made the ceremony.Viele Grüße .................................. .
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Wer sich das Alte noch einmal vor Augen führt, um das Neue zu erkennen, der kann anderen ein Lehrer sein.
Marcio Scheibler - Genealogist and writer
- Feix, Fischer, Haupt, Lammel, Parkert (Burkert), Reckziegel, Scheibler, Seidel - from Böhmen
- Frantz, Leonhardt, Peiter, Ruppenthal, Tatsch - from Rheinland-Pfalz
- Sell, Stroschoen - from Pommern
- Keller - from Baden-Wurtenberg
- Datthijn - from Netherland