Translation the birth record, 1673

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  • Kranes
    • 28.07.2023
    • 35

    [gelöst] Translation the birth record, 1673

    Quelle bzw. Art des Textes: Parish record
    Jahr, aus dem der Text stammt: 1673
    Ort und Gegend der Text-Herkunft: Crainfeld

    Can`t read parents names:

    .... Klippert and Elisabeth?

    Son Simon?

    Godparent is Simon too?
    Angehängte Dateien
  • Gastonian
    • 20.09.2021
    • 4634


    The father's first name is written as Joes, with a horizontal bar over the "e". This was the common abbreviation for "Johannes" back then (sort of like Wm., with the "m" as a superscript, is a common abbreviation for William in English). So yes, parents are Johannes Klippert and Elisabeth.

    You are correct that both the son and the godfather are Simon. In that time and place, children usually (but not quite always) received the first name of their godparent.

    The last name of the godfather you might recognize as also being Klippert. After that it says "S... [rest of word covered in the crease] zu Grebenhain". Given that other members of the family were shepherds (Schäfer in German), it is likely that Simon Klippert the godfather was a shepherd in Grebenhain.


    Wohnort USA


    • Kranes
      • 28.07.2023
      • 35

      Thank you, now I can identify the parents in these records. There are a lot of them, but I'm starting to get my bearings a little.

