Translating marriage and birth records (Bermuthshain, Grebenhain, Crainfield)

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  • Kranes
    • 28.07.2023
    • 35

    [gelöst] Translating marriage and birth records (Bermuthshain, Grebenhain, Crainfield)

    Quelle bzw. Art des Textes: Parish register
    Jahr, aus dem der Text stammt: 1660-1723
    Ort/Gegend der Text-Herkunft: Cranfield, Bermuthshain, Grebenhain

    Good evening, dear forum members. Once I was helped in reading a document, for which I am very grateful. I have recently made progress in collecting records about my family, Klippert. I have received many records about this family for the period from 1660-1723 in three parishes: Cranfield, Bermuthshain, Grebenhain. I ask for your help in translating what is written in these documents. There are a lot of recordings, but if they are translated to me little by little, my family will be grateful to you, since we have been looking for these recordings for a very long time. (At last I can see Klippert on every of them). It would be interesting to find out the godparents on these records too, I think I see my last name among them too.
    Angehängte Dateien
  • Gastonian
    • 20.09.2021
    • 3503


    1st one:

    [date covered] 11 a.m. born, baptised 2nd Sunday after Epiphany [in January, exact day depends on the year] [parents[ Johann Georg Klippert, Merg Raschin [child] Valentin [godfather] Valten, Bast Schäfer’s son

    September, 24th 1 p.m. born, 25th baptised, [parents] Johann Georg Klippert, Merga [child] Sebastian [godfather] Bast Rasch [note: Bast is a short form of Sebastian]

    February [date covered] 11 p.m. born [date covered] baptised [parents] Johann Georg Klippert, shepherd, Maria [child] Anna Catharina [godmother] Anna Catharina, daughter of Johannes Klippert, shepherd in Crainfeld

    June [date covered] 9 p.m. born [date covered] baptised [parents] Johann Georg Klippert, Merga [child] Gel-Draut [godmother] Gel-Draut, Valten Sch..’s daughter

    October [date covered] 4 a.m. born [date covered] baptised [parents] Johann Georg Klippert, Merga [child] Elisabeth [godmother] Elisabeth, daughter of Johannes Weidner of Herchenhain

    [Month illegible] [date covered] 4 a.m. born [date covered] August baptised [parents] Johann Georg Klippert, Merga [child[ Johann Georg] [godfather] Georg Frantz



    P.S.: It is not actually permissible to post screenshots from Archion like that here. The Conditions of Use for both Archion and this forum permit only individual downloads with the source information showing at the top to be posted (like you did in your first post here: I realize this means you'll likely soon run through your monthly allotment of downloads, but thems are the rules, and someone else on this forum got called on it earlier today.

    P.P.S.: It is also considered good form on this forum to thank people who have provided you with help in the thread where you asked for that help.
    Zuletzt geändert von Gastonian; 30.07.2023, 21:40.
    Wohnort USA; z. Zt. auf Archivreise in Deutschland

    Meine Ahnentafel:


    • Kranes
      • 28.07.2023
      • 35

      Thank you, it is still very difficult for me to navigate the forum, I will follow your advice!

