Harzgerode 1737

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  • ellend1
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 17.09.2019
    • 468

    [gelöst] Harzgerode 1737

    Quelle bzw. Art des Textes: Family Search Catalog
    Jahr, aus dem der Text stammt: 1737
    Ort und Gegend der Text-Herkunft: Harzgerode, Saxony-Anhalt
    Namen um die es sich handeln sollte: Caspar Ludwig Eissfeld

    Good evening. I found the attached link on the Family Search site. It is regarding my ancestor, Caspar Ludwig EISSFELD(T):

    Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and resources.

    I know little about Caspar Ludwig. His daughter (Henrietta Wilhelmina) married Johann David Schiele in 1765. This marriage entry states that Caspar Ludwig Eissfeld is the "princely official administrator in Harzgerode."

    The attachment here is too long for me to ask for a translation or transcription. I am hoping someone here might look at these 2 pages and tell me if there is any biographical information? Does the first paragraph provide any information about family? (I think I see the name: ??? Frantz Eissfeldten). Is the list of numbers (10 Mongen, ?) some kind of financial inventory?

    Thank you for any insight. This may be the only information I find about Caspar Ludwig - - there do not appear to be any online Harzgerode genealogy records.


  • Sbriglione
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 16.10.2004
    • 1374

    Hello Ellen,

    what you have got is an overview about the immovable property your ancestor had got and to whom he had to pay what taxes and rent for them.
    He got his immovable property from his father in October 26th 1734 and it looks like his father was still alive that time and he might have sold it to his son. This is not directy written in the text but the way the phrases are makes me think so.
    The name of the father was Franz Eißfeldt.
    And that is all about it.

    Zuletzt geändert von Sbriglione; 19.05.2022, 21:32.
    Suche und biete Vorfahren in folgenden Regionen:
    - rund um den Harz
    - im Thüringer Wald
    - im südlichen Sachsen-Anhalt
    - in Ostwestfalen
    - in der Main-Spessart-Region
    - im Württembergischen Amt Balingen
    - auf Sizilien
    - Vorfahren der Familie (v.) Zenge aus Thüringen (u.a. in Bremen, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen und NRW)
    - Vorfahren der Familie v. Sandow aus dem Ruppinischen


    • ellend1
      Erfahrener Benutzer
      • 17.09.2019
      • 468

      Hallo Giacomo,

      Many thanks for taking the time to look over this document - I appreciate the information you have shared with me.

      Kind regards,


