Hilfe bei Übersetzungen und irgendwelche Informationen darüber, was diese Dokumente sind?

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  • slocal
    • 26.02.2022
    • 28

    [gelöst] Hilfe bei Übersetzungen und irgendwelche Informationen darüber, was diese Dokumente sind?

    Quelle bzw. Art des Textes: Militäraufzeichnungen
    Jahr, aus dem der Text stammt: 1907 und 1910
    Ort/Gegend der Text-Herkunft: Preußen(?)

    Hallo, alle miteinander,

    Ich habe drei Dokumente, von denen ich hoffe, englische Übersetzungen zu erhalten, sowie alle Informationen darüber, was die Dokumente tatsächlich sind. Ich schätze Ihre Zeit. Wenn Sie es vorziehen, nur die geschriebenen Teile zu übersetzen, kann ich daraus schließen, was der getippte Teil bedeutet.

    Die ersten beiden Bilder scheinen ein Militärpass zu sein. Das dritte Bild scheint eine weitere militärische Aufzeichnung zu sein. Das vierte Bild scheint einige Notizen zu sein.

    Danke sehr.

    Hello everyone,

    I have three documents that I am hoping to receive English translations of, as well as any information on what the documents actually are. I appreciate your time. If you prefer to only translate the written portions, I can then infer what the typed portion means.

    The first two pictures are what appears to be a military pass. The third picture appears to be another military record. The fourth picture appears to be some notes.

    Thank you very much.
    Angehängte Dateien
  • Gastonian
    • 20.09.2021
    • 3483


    First picture (cover of pass): on right side, "military pass of musketeer Johann Schröter, class of 1907, provincial infantry". The printed words on the left refer to the manufacturer of the form (i.e., not relevant to you).

    Second picture, right side:

    "Information on passholder
    1. First and last names:
    Johann Schröter
    Born on 9 February [Gregorian]/28 January [Julian] 1885
    In Morgenau
    District : Berdjansk
    State: Russia
    2. Trade or profession: Bookkeeper
    3. Religion: Mennonite (younger family) [no idea what branch of Mennonitism this might refer to]
    4. Married? No
    Children: none
    5. Date and manner of entry into service:
    21 October 1907 as replacement recruit
    6. What unit:
    Infantry regiment von Borcke (4th Pommeranian)
    Nr. 21 [squadron], 11th company"

    Third picture:

    Envelope: [Regiment] von Borcke, 4th Pommeranian, Nr. 21, Military Papers: Schröter

    Document, left side:
    "Schröter is herewith granted leave by us to Russia. He is released from all musters, but required to report every year between 1 and 15 November, either by writing or in person, with his military pass at the undersigned main registry office.
    Schröter is not released from [military] exercises.
    Thorn, 16 February 1910
    Royal main registry office
    [signature] Fleischfresser
    District sergeant"

    Document, right side:
    Thorn, 8 November '10
    [signature] Dautz"

    Fourth picture:

    Appears to be some kind of list of loans made with due dates in 1911, with (for example) Joh. Peutz owing 660 Reichsthaler on 1 May 1911, of which 700 was received (probably including interest). The relation of this to Johann Schröter or his military service is entirely unclear


    Zuletzt geändert von Gastonian; 27.03.2022, 21:33.
    Wohnort USA; z. Zt. auf Archivreise in Deutschland

    Meine Ahnentafel: https://gw.geneanet.org/schwind1_w?iz=2&n=schwind1&oc=0&p=privat


    • slocal
      • 26.02.2022
      • 28

      Zitat von Gastonian Beitrag anzeigen

      First picture (cover of pass): on right side, "military pass of musketeer Johann Schröter, class of 1907, provincial infantry". The printed words on the left refer to the manufacturer of the form (i.e., not relevant to you).

      Second picture, right side:

      "Information on passholder
      1. First and last names:
      Johann Schröter
      Born on 9 February [Gregorian]/28 January [Julian] 1885
      In Morgenau
      District : Berdjansk
      State: Russia
      2. Trade or profession: Bookkeeper
      3. Religion: Mennonite (younger family) [no idea what branch of Mennonitism this might refer to]
      4. Married? No
      Children: none
      5. Date and manner of entry into service:
      21 October 1907 as replacement recruit
      6. What unit:
      Infantry regiment von Borcke (4th Pommeranian)
      Nr. 21 [squadron], 11th company"

      Third picture:

      Envelope: [Regiment] von Borcke, 4th Pommeranian, Nr. 21, Military Papers: Schröter

      Document, left side:
      "Schröter is herewith granted leave by us to Russia. He is released from all musters, but required to report every year between 1 and 15 November, either by writing or in person, with his military pass at the undersigned main registry office.
      Schröter is not released from [military] exercises.
      Thorn, 16 February 1910
      Royal main registry office
      [signature] Fleischfresser
      District sergeant"

      Document, right side:
      Thorn, 8 November '10
      [signature] Dautz"

      Fourth picture:

      Appears to be some kind of list of loans made with due dates in 1911, with (for example) Joh. Peutz owing 660 Reichsthaler on 1 May 1911, of which 700 was received (probably including interest). The relation of this to Johann Schröter or his military service is entirely unclear


      Hello Carl-Henry,

      Thanks so much for your help; this is fascinating. In regard to the fourth image, I'm assuming it's related to Johann's accounting business back in Russia.

