Hieronymus Stecklenberg circa 1676

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  • ellend1
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 17.09.2019
    • 378

    Hieronymus Stecklenberg circa 1676

    Die Suche betrifft das Jahr oder den Zeitraum: Circa 1676
    Genaue Orts-/Gebietseingrenzung: Gernrode and Stecklenberg
    Konfession der gesuchten Person(en):
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    Good evening. I have the 1676 marriage entry of my ancestor, Ernst WULFF, married in Gernrode. Photo is attached.

    The entry states that his father was the deceased miller, Michael WULFF.

    It also states that his mother was Margaretha STECKLENBERG (who died 1668 in Gernrode) and she was the sister of Hieronymus STECKLENBERG. This entry leads me to think Hieronymus STECKLENBERG was a man of local importance.

    When looking on a map, I see that the town of Stecklenberg is only a short distance from Gernrode.

    Can anyone point me to any resources to try to learn more about Hieronymus STECKLENBERG, or the castle, or the history of the town of Stecklenberg?
    Angehängte Dateien
  • Marcus90
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 29.06.2017
    • 180

    Hallo ellend,

    Margaretha Stecklenberg stribt am 10.09.1668 in Gernrode mit 57Jahren.

    Im Kirchenbuch Stecklenberg gibt des den ersten Eintrag zu Hieronymus Stecklenberg am 05.11.1650. An diesem Tag erfolgt seine erste Trauung.

    Hieronymus Stecklenberg verstirbt am 20.08.1671 im alter von 41 Jahren in Stecklenberg.

    VG Marcus
    Angehängte Dateien
    Zuletzt geändert von Marcus90; 12.07.2023, 08:26.


    • ellend1
      Erfahrener Benutzer
      • 17.09.2019
      • 378

      Thank you, Marcus, I appreciate your reply! His marriage and death entries do not seem to indicate a man of "importance." I am happy for the photos you provided.

      May I ask if you have access to the Stecklenberg church books? They do not seem to be on Archion. I don't know what dates they encompass but I like to look through the books for hints on the dead ends of this part of my family.

      I do have some church books from Gernrode, Rieder, Badeborn, Wienrode, and miscellaneous Quedlinburg in case you are looking for information in those areas.

      Kind regards,


