Georg Hermann Merz oo vor 1926 Katharina Kern

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  • Karl Heinz Jochim
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 07.07.2009
    • 4818

    Georg Hermann Merz oo vor 1926 Katharina Kern

    Die Suche betrifft das Jahr oder den Zeitraum: vor 1926
    Genauere Orts-/Gebietseingrenzung: Mainz und Umgebung
    Fernabfrage vor der Beitragserstellung genutzt [ja/nein]: ja
    Zur Antwortfindung bereits genutzte Anlaufstellen (Ämter, Archive, Datenbanken): nein

    Liebe Forumsmitglieder,
    ich bitte um Ihre Mithilfe bei der Suche nach den Vorfahren des folgenden Ehepaares:
    Georg Hermann Merz, * 09.03.1899 in Mainz-Bischofsheim, + 10.08.1969 in Rüsselsheim, oo vor 1926 in ? (vermutlich in Bodenheim oder Mainz) mit Katharina Kern, * 28.11.1898 in Bodenheim, + ? in Rüsselsheim.
    Wer kann mir bitte etwas zu den Eltern oder gar weiteren Vorfahren dieses Ehepaares sagen bzw. schreiben? Vielen Dank im voraus.
    Liebe Grüße
    Karl Heinz
  • FrauRuch
    • 20.06.2014
    • 34

    Hallo KarlHeinz,

    Many of the Kern's in this region were Jewish. Perhaps she did not die in Russelsheim. My great grandmother Christina Kern died in Schwegenheim in 1942 only because my grandfather bought her a baptismal certificate. I found three of her siblings in NYC. I have a file of Jewish Kern's who could be related. I do not believe that either she or her siblings were born in Schwegenheim.

    Best wishes


    • Karl Heinz Jochim
      Erfahrener Benutzer
      • 07.07.2009
      • 4818

      Hallo, Kathy,
      thank you very much for your message. Is it possible to get your file of Jewish Kern's? Perhaps you can send a "Private Nachricht" to me.
      Best wishes
      Karl Heinz


      • FrauRuch
        • 20.06.2014
        • 34

        Hi Karl Heinz!

        I have a feeling that this site will be available in English before I figure out how to "private nachricht." (Lists of 1808 name changes, some occupation lists, and some census'.) I hope more people add their lists to this site.

        Maurice A. Wolff was born on 24.11.1882 in Böchingen. By profession he was a horse trader. On 05.19.1922 he married Gertrud Kern. Her son Helmut was born in 1924. After the accidental death of his wife in 1926, he married three years later, her sister Ella Kern. Moritz Wolff in 1938 was imprisoned for four weeks in Buchenwald. On 22.11.1942 he was from Frankfurt/Main deported to Kovno and shot immediately after his arrival on 25.11.1942.

        Ella Wolff, born Kern. Wife of Maurice A. Wolff, was born on 04.24.1898 in Böchingen. After the death of her sister Gertrude, she married Maurice A. Wolff 1929. With her husband she was on 22.11.1942 in Frankfurt/Main deported to Kovno and shot after their arrival on 25.11.1942.

        Isidor Kern was born on 12/02/1888 in Böchingen. He ran a wine business and married on 05/08/1933 Caroline Ullmann. Two daughters were born. On 22.10.1940, he was deported with his family to Gurs, moved from there to Auschwitz. Isidor Kern was killed on 31.12.1942 in Auschwitz.

        Karola Kern born, Ullmann, Wife of Isidor Kern, was born on 16.10.1906 in Bruchsal. Two daughters were born. On 22.10.1940, she was deported with her family to Gurs. In 1942, the transfer was sent to Auschwitz. Karola Kern was killed on 31.12.1942 in Auschwitz.

        Susanne Kern, Daughter of Isidore and Caroline Kern, was born on 04.04.1934 in Landau. 1940, six years old, she was deported with her parents and sister to Gurs. The two children escaped the camp and survived the war years in the underground in France. After the war, Susanne emigrated with her sister and made it to her uncle Ullmann in the USA. Susanne Kern died there on 26/03/2009.

        Renate Kern, Daughter of Isidore and Caroline Kern, was born on 05.08.1935 in Karlsruhe. She was five years old when she was deported with her family on 22.10.1940 Gurs. She and her sister escaped from Gurs, survived the war years in the underground in France and immigrated to her uncle in the USA.
        Renée Kern Radner married and now lives in California.

        Leo Kern, Brother of Isidor Kern, was born on 25.12.1885 in Böchingen. Because of his disability, he had lived since the 5/11/1937 in St. Paul's pen in Queichheim. On 10.6.1939 he was transferred to Long Horn (Hamburg) and arrived on the 16/11/1940 back to Queichheim. On 23.11.1942, he was deported from Würzburg to Krasystaw (Poland). After that loses track of Leo Kern, his road to death can not be reproduced exactly.

        Kern, Antonie (* 19.11.1893 in Böchingen)The following are the names of Gerrman Jews murdered by Einsatzkommando 3 of Einsatzgruppe A, together with German police forces and Lithuanian auxiliaries, at Fort IX near Kaunas (Kowno), Lithuania, on 25 and 29 November 1941. The names were obtained by inserting "Kowno" under "Todesort" in the search engine of the online version of the German Federal Archives' memorial book Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945.

        landau=Auguste & emanuel kern and erna alexander ge. kern(10/12/96) elsa kaufmann geb. Kern(7/8/06)w/ son & husband, Emanuel I & Melanie

        also Josef(1902b. boechingen) of schweg * irma b.1901 married Kaufmann--sobobor

        KERN ALFRED NEUSTADT 31/07/03 04/12/40 31/07/03 04/12/40 NEUSTADT
        KERN BERTHA 08.04.77 KAISERSLAUTERN 25.11.40
        KERN FERDINAND 04.02.67 LAUNDAU 26.12.41
        KERN LINA 02/02/67 12/05/40 HEINSBACH NEU-
        KERN META 13.12.89 CHEMNITZ 08.03.42
        KERN SIGMUND 17.07.69 EDENKOBEN 07.12.41

        Ernst Kern (1899), Helene core (1874)--neustadt stumbling stones

        Johann Kern (1909) prisoner @ Turenne Barracks=coremaker

        Ernestine Alexander geb. Kern 1890, Hermine Fröhlich geb. Kern (1890), Antonie Kern (1893), Edith Kern (1923), Emma Kern (1866), Isidor Kern (1888), Joseph Kern (1902), Leo Kern (1885), Marcell Kern (1890), Paula Kern geb. Klauss (1891), Regina Kern geb. Behr (1866), Helene Nellie Klaus geb. Kern (1895), Irma Klaus geb. Kern (1901), Berthilde Köhler geb. Kern (1883), Gerda (Gertrud) Lang geb. Kern (1897),

        Ellis Is nov.1923 --Dr. Ludwig Kern (61) of bad durkheim has a bro Leo Kern in Edenkoben, Elenore(30) has an uncle leo.

        Just a few . . . . .

        My Kerns were born 1866 to 1879: Christina, Eva Marie, Edward Martin, and Jacob. Jacob may have been born in Gemersheim and Edward in Mechtersheim. There is no way to know where Christina was born because her records have been falsified.

        If this is an inappropriate nachricht, please delete it.



        • Karl Heinz Jochim
          Erfahrener Benutzer
          • 07.07.2009
          • 4818

          Hallo, Kathy,
          thank you very much for your interesting supplements; I will compare these with my documents.
          Best wishes
          Karl Heinz


          • FrauRuch
            • 20.06.2014
            • 34

            Karl Heinz,

            This is not my complete file and I centered my search a bit south of your town. I used the Stolpersteine project and the Alemania Judica websites. I found my NYC relatives by searching the Ellis Island records for Kerns who came from my region.

            I said I wished more people would upload Name Change lists and occupation lists for their towns. Now I see that I've neglected to send mine. I have the lists for Schwegenheim.

            I would very much appreciate it if you could help me to search for my name. Either I'm doing some wrong, or there are no Ruch's in this forum.

            Vielen Danke. Kathy


            • Karl Heinz Jochim
              Erfahrener Benutzer
              • 07.07.2009
              • 4818

              Hallo, Kathy,
              mein English ist leider nicht so gut, dass ich Ihnen ausführlich schreiben könnte; deshalb - um nicht missverstanden zu werden - die nächsten Zeilen in Deutsch.
              Bei der Überprüfung Ihrer ausführlichen Daten stellte ich fest, dass es sowohl jüdische als auch christliche Kern-Familien gibt. Bei "meinen" Kern sind nur christliche Familienmitglieder, sodass ich Ihnen leider nicht weiterhelfen kann.
              Liebe Grüße
              Karl Heinz


              • FrauRuch
                • 20.06.2014
                • 34

                Zitat von Karl Heinz Jochim Beitrag anzeigen
                Hallo, Kathy,
                mein English ist leider nicht so gut, dass ich Ihnen ausführlich schreiben könnte; deshalb - um nicht missverstanden zu werden - die nächsten Zeilen in Deutsch.
                Bei der Überprüfung Ihrer ausführlichen Daten stellte ich fest, dass es sowohl jüdische als auch christliche Kern-Familien gibt. Bei "meinen" Kern sind nur christliche Familienmitglieder, sodass ich Ihnen leider nicht weiterhelfen kann.
                Liebe Grüße
                Karl Heinz
                Auch meine Deutsch ist sehr schlecht. Ich hat sein hilfe gefragt zu suchen der Name Ruch. Es werked nicht oder da sind kein Ruch hereine. Bist Ruch zu Kurtz ein suchwort?

                Regards, Kathy


                • FrauRuch
                  • 20.06.2014
                  • 34

                  Also, the purpose of the 1808 name change law was to give all Jews Christian names.


                  • Karl Heinz Jochim
                    Erfahrener Benutzer
                    • 07.07.2009
                    • 4818

                    Hallo, Kathy,
                    thank you very much for your supplements.
                    Karl Heinz

