Advice for research in Niedersachsen

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  • Mats
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 03.01.2009
    • 3390

    Hallo Judith,

    es kann durchaus sein, daß das Geburtsjahr nicht angegeben ist.
    Ich habe im Rahmen meiner Forschung bisher eine Urkunde, wo weder Geburtsdatum noch Eltern angegeben sind, dabei hatte der eigen Sohn den Tod gemeldet. Allerdings war immer der Geburtsort und das Alter angegeben, so daß es weiter gehen konnte.

    Grüße aus OWL
    Es gibt nur 2 Tage im Jahr, an denen man so gar nichts tun kann:
    der eine heißt gestern, der andere heißt morgen,
    also ist heute der richtige Tag
    um zu lieben, zu handeln, zu glauben und vor allem zu leben.
    Dalai Lama


    • cliekam
      • 06.05.2010
      • 80

      Hi Judith,

      I am living in Osnabrück an I would help you, but that isn't possible, because in Osnabrück only the persons who work for the archiv are allowed to look in the Melderegister. But give me a few days then I will see what I can do for you.



      • woukou
        • 26.10.2013
        • 24

        Thank you Anja for these informations...

        Thank you Carina, too, I'm waiting forward to reading you soon!

        Have a nice day


        • cliekam
          • 06.05.2010
          • 80

          Hi Judith,

          I have worked very hard in my job this week so there was not enough time to go to the archive. Sorry! But on friday I will go to the archive to search for your family. So tell me in detail what you want to know:

          - You search for the Sterberegistereintrag of Ludwig Heinrich Theodor Reißner. He died in 1916.

          - You search for the marriage and the wife of Ludwig Heinrich Theodor Reißner.

          Is this right and have you more questions?


          • cliekam
            • 06.05.2010
            • 80

            I've send you some mails with the pages of the Osnabrücker Adressbücher. There you can find some interessting informations.


            • woukou
              • 26.10.2013
              • 24

              Hello Carina,

              My week has been very busy , too! and I only see your message today!

              And yes you're right, I search about my great-grandfather Ludwig Heinrich Theodor Reissner, who died in 1916, his wife Catherine Henriette Lockemann (she died in the 1950's), about their marriage, and about anything that would help me knowing if they are native of Osnabrück or elsewhere...

              Thank you anyway for anything you can do for me (and already have), because I realize it's difficult to search in Germany... Tell me if you need one day help for researches in France, I would help you with pleasure!
              Have a nice day


