Anna von Herforden (born Oldenburg) in Rostock 1505-1536

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  • Jarle_Johansen
    • 29.05.2024
    • 5

    Anna von Herforden (born Oldenburg) in Rostock 1505-1536

    Can anyone help with more information about the ancestors of Anna von Herforden (born Oldenburg)? I am stuck at this, not possible to get any further. My German is limited, so I don't get anything from German sites. Attached is the information I have so far.. this affects many people in Norway, especially in Northern Norway...

    1505 Rostock, Germany
    1536 (aged ‎~31‏) Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deuts…

    It is absolutely incredible that there should be so little information about Rostock's mayor's wife...

    anna Hervorden.jpg

  • noisette
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 20.01.2019
    • 2035

    Guten tag,
    ich kenne kein buch aus Rostock der soweit zurück geht.


    • Gastonian
      • 20.09.2021
      • 4013

      Hello Jarle:

      The churchbooks in Rostock only begin in 1580. However, there still exist property records and court records going back to at least 1400. A German genealogist of the early 1900s extracted all the information relating to the Oldenburgs from these records, and what he compiled is essentially what you show from MyHeritage (with the dates there being largely arbitrary). The summary diagram of that genealogist is here:

      To translate the diagram: Jaspar Oldenburg, burgher of Rostock (dates unknown), had first wife Wybeke (unknown maiden name) who died before 1477 and a second wife of unknown name. With Wybcke he had two known children: Katharina Oldenburg (dates and fate unknown) and Vit Oldenburg. Vit was still a minor in 1477. In 1510 he was a city councilor (Ratsmann - radsman) of Rostock, and in 1534 mayor; by 1536 he was dead. His wife was Grete Wilken, widow of Gerlach Turkow; she was still living 1542. Their children were Hans Oldenburg, who immatriculated at Rostock University in 1530, and Anna Oldenburg, wife of Hans von Hervorden, city councilor in 1530 and mayor in 1552.

      The only known record relating to Jaspar Oldenborgh is extracted here ( in 1477, Jasparus Oldenburgk settles 60 mark each on Vitus and Katharina, his children with Wybeke, and assigns Clawes Oldenborgh and Franziskus Rodelhove as their guardians. Not stated, but implied, is that Jasparus made this settlement in preparation for a second marriage and thus that Wybeke is now no longer living. Because this is the only record relating to Jaspar, and it does not name his parents, there is no way to know how he relates to the other Oldenburgs who are mentioned in Rostock in the 15th century.

      That Vit Oldenburg was city councilor from 1510 and mayor from 1534 is documented in a compilation of Rostock's mayors and councilors cited here ( In the court records of Rostock, he is recorded as attending city council meetings in 1520, 1525, 1526, 1527, 1531, 1532, and 1533.

      In 1503 Viit Oldenborge bought a house in the Borghwalle (street in Rostock) from Clawes Walmestorg ( He bought an adjoining house in 1513 (

      In 1520 Vyth Oldenborch acknowledges having received together with his wife Gretke certain properties from the estate of Gretke's late husband Gerlach Turkowe (

      In 1531 Vyth Oldenborch places a house into common ownership with his wife Margarete (

      In 1536, towards the end of the year, Vyth Oldenborg's widow, with the consent of her guardian Hans von Hervorden, sells some of Vyth's property. Towards the end of 1537, Margarete, widow of Vyth Oldenborg, with the consent of her son-in-law Hans von Hervorden, sells some more of Vyth's property (

      In 1540 the widow of Vyth Oldenborg is involved in a transaction with her brother Benedictus and the guardians for her brother Heinrich's children concerning property of her late father Johan Willeken (

      In 1541 Margarete, widow of Vyth Oldenborg, sells some property with consent of her son Hans Oldenborg and of Hans von Hervorden (

      In 1542 Vyth Oldenborg's widow, with the consent of Hans von Hervorden and Hans Oldenborg, enters into an agreement with her son Mathes Türkow concerning the latter's inheritance; as a result Mathes drops all further claims against his mother and his step-siblings ( This is the last record for her.

      In 1565 Johan von Hervorden, on behalf of his wife Anneke, makes a statement concerning the house of the late Vyth Oldenborg on the Borchwalle (


      Wohnort USA - z.Zt. auf Archivreise in Deutschland

      Familiennamen meiner Urururgroßeltern:
      Kurhessen/Waldeck: Himmelmann (x3), Iske, Portugal, Schindehütte, Schneider, Schwind
      Ostpreußen: Goerke, Grenda, Klimek, ??, Pitt (dessen Mutter eine von Manstein), Szimkatis
      Anhalt/Mansfelder Land: Bolze, Haase
      Unterfranken: Henneberger, Ruppert
      Oldenburg: Osterbind
      Masowien: Schmidt, Schramm
      South Carolina: Bowen, Burdine (x3), Hester, Looper, McAdams, Satterfield
      Virginia: Clarke, Copeland, Jordan​


      • Gastonian
        • 20.09.2021
        • 4013

        On the Wilken side we can go a couple of generations further back.

        Drews (Andreas) Wilken, named 1406 to 1431, dead by 1435, had four children with his first wife Katharina, namely Nicolaus, Hilleke, Andreas, and Johannes. His second wife (widow) Geseke was still living 1435.

        His son Drews (Andreas) Wilken, named 1422 and 1447 to 1460, dead by 1468, had a wife Anneke (who was still living 1468) and a son Johann(es)

        His son Johann(es), student at university of Rostock 1463, was city councilor from 1477, mayor from 1487, and died 9 December 1524. He was by 1482 married to a daughter of mayor Gotschalk Buck, whose brother Nicolaus Buck was still his brother-in-law in 1517. He left three children, Margarete, Benedictus, and Heinrich

        In 1406 a house adjoining that of Andreas Willeke outside the gate of St. Peter (in Rostock) is sold. In 1408 Katherine, widow of Sifridus Sasse, transfers to Andreas Willeke her property outside the gate of St. Peter (implied is that she is now Andreas's wife) (

        In 1411 Andreas Wylkens sells (all or part of) his property outside the gate of St. Peter ( That same year Drewes Wylkens buys a house on the Old Market (

        In 1422 Drewes Wilkens assigns to his four children Nicolaus, Hilleke, Andreas, and Johannes, whom he had with his wife Katharina, 300 mark, secured by his house on the Old Market and all his other property; also gives to Hilleke all the clothes and household goods of her mother Katharina ( This implies that Katharina has died and that Drewes is preparing to remarry.

        In 1427 Dreus Wilke and three others lend 100 mark to Matheus Stolte (

        In 1431 Dreus Wilke, along with Johannes Hon, is guardian to Eggard, son of mayor Henricus Bernd (

        In 1435 Geseke, widow of Drewes Wilkins, together with the guardians for her [or his?] children, sells her house on the Old Market (

        In 1447 a house adjoining that of Dreus Wilkin [presumably the son Andreas mentioned in 1422] on Deer Place ("in platea cervoram") is transferred. The following year Dreus Wilkens, along with Egghardus Bernd, is guardian for the children of Metke, widow of Johannes Hune (

        In 1450 Drewes Wilkens gives a mortgage to Greteke, widow of Hinr. Hones ( He issues several more mortgages in 1453 and 1456 (

        In 1457 Drewes Wilken is still living on Deer Place (

        In 1460 Drewes Wilkens acknowledges having received a plot outside the gate of St. Peter from his wife Anneke (

        On 30 March 1463 Johannes Wilken of Rostock (later mayor of Rostock) immatriculates at the university of Rostock (

        In 1468 Anneke, widow of Drew Wilkens, comes to an agreement with her son Johannes Wilkens concerning her future support, including use of the house on Deer Place (

        In 1470 a house is sold to Johannes Wilkens (, but in a separate charter Hans Wilken, son of Drewes Wilken, acknowledges that this house actually belongs to his cousin Laurentius Kulemann. Two years later Hans Wilken, son of Drewes Wilken, is again named as trustee for house of Laurentius Kulemann (

        In 1477 a plot is sold adjacent to that of Johannes Wilkens, city councilor, outside the gate of St. Petri (

        In 1482 a property transaction apparently establishes that city councilor Johann Wilken's wife is sister to Heinrich, Nicolaus, and Joachim Buck and daughter of mayor Gotschalk Buck ( - this contains only a cross-reference to a transcription elsewhere, which I have not been able to find)

        In 1484 and 1485 city councilor Johan Wilken was one of Rostock's representatives at meetings of the Hanse. In late August or early September 1487 he was elected as mayor. In late 1489, during a proletarian uprising, he fled Rostock ( The old council was not reinstated until mid-1491. Thereafter, mayor Johann Wilken once again was among Rostock's representatives to the Hanse in late 1491, 1494, 1495, 1498, and 1503 (

        In 1513 Nicolaus Buk, priest and member of the cathedral chapter (Domherr) in Rostock, sells a mill to his brother-in-law mayor Johann Wilken (

        In 1517 Nicolaus Buk sells a house to his brother-in-law Johan Wilken (

        In 1528 a document is notarized stating that Hinrich Wilken, son of the Rostock mayor Johann Wilken who died 9 December 1524, received 122 Gulden out of his father's money chest, which was then sealed, with the key given to Vitus Oldenborch (

        In 1534 the heirs of the late mayor Johann Wilcken were mayor Vyth Oldenburg (by right of his wife), Benedictus Wilken, and Heinrich Wilken (


        Wohnort USA - z.Zt. auf Archivreise in Deutschland

        Familiennamen meiner Urururgroßeltern:
        Kurhessen/Waldeck: Himmelmann (x3), Iske, Portugal, Schindehütte, Schneider, Schwind
        Ostpreußen: Goerke, Grenda, Klimek, ??, Pitt (dessen Mutter eine von Manstein), Szimkatis
        Anhalt/Mansfelder Land: Bolze, Haase
        Unterfranken: Henneberger, Ruppert
        Oldenburg: Osterbind
        Masowien: Schmidt, Schramm
        South Carolina: Bowen, Burdine (x3), Hester, Looper, McAdams, Satterfield
        Virginia: Clarke, Copeland, Jordan​


        • Jarle_Johansen
          • 29.05.2024
          • 5

          You are fantastic Carl-Henry.... thanks a lot... I will study your information and update my database accordingly...

          Do you know the connection of this Oldenburgs of Anna , with the much bigger royal Oldenburg family in much of Scandinavias royal houses, if there are any connections ?

          Mvh. Jarle


          • Jarle_Johansen
            • 29.05.2024
            • 5

            In other words, are there any connction with my Oldenburg ancestors and this Oldenburg family ? : (there are normally plenty brothers and sisters ending up not with royal duties, more anonymous layman roles, I guess that is so in Oldenburg family also, some went to North Norway, established themselves there )

            Zuletzt geändert von Jarle_Johansen; 30.05.2024, 14:26.


            • Jarle_Johansen
              • 29.05.2024
              • 5

              The family have been heavy invested in Norway


              • Gastonian
                • 20.09.2021
                • 4013

                Hi Jarle:

                No, there is absolutely no connection to the House of Oldenburg here. In German, they would be "von Oldenburg", with the "von" indicating noble status; the earliest known ancestor of Anna Oldenburg is Jaspar Oldenburg, without a "von", indicating he is merely a commoner.


                Wohnort USA - z.Zt. auf Archivreise in Deutschland

                Familiennamen meiner Urururgroßeltern:
                Kurhessen/Waldeck: Himmelmann (x3), Iske, Portugal, Schindehütte, Schneider, Schwind
                Ostpreußen: Goerke, Grenda, Klimek, ??, Pitt (dessen Mutter eine von Manstein), Szimkatis
                Anhalt/Mansfelder Land: Bolze, Haase
                Unterfranken: Henneberger, Ruppert
                Oldenburg: Osterbind
                Masowien: Schmidt, Schramm
                South Carolina: Bowen, Burdine (x3), Hester, Looper, McAdams, Satterfield
                Virginia: Clarke, Copeland, Jordan​


                • HerrMausF
                  Erfahrener Benutzer
                  • 31.12.2017
                  • 837

                  The Family name of Jaspers wife Wybeke isn't known in the chronicles / book families of Rostock but it is written that she died before 1477, Jasper died before 1506 and was married a second time with Koneke NN.

                  According to the comments in the book they weren't royal at all. Jasper was a trader with not too much luck
                  1467 until 82 he lived for rent in a House on Mittelmarkt
                  1490 and 91 in the Steinstraße
                  1493 in a basement apartment

                  so his status was getting worse

                  Johann von Hervorden (most likely not born in Rostock) was a clothmaker and councillor (Ratsherr) but NOT mayor! He died 1578/1579

                  If these Oldenburgs are descendants of "von Oldenburg" then they are based on an illegitimate son of some Oldenburg but it is more likely they just came from Oldenburg.

