Looking for the birthrecords to Johann Friedrich Janneck 13 march 1834 in Giesebitz Stolp, Prussia

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  • bjornlokken
    • 14.11.2021
    • 43

    Looking for the birthrecords to Johann Friedrich Janneck 13 march 1834 in Giesebitz Stolp, Prussia

    Dear Ahnenforschung and beatiful helpers .

    According to Johann Friedrich Janneck site on Ancestry he was born 13 march 1834 in Giesebitz Stolp, Prussia in Germany

    Is it possible to find his birth record in church book ?

    Best regards from Bjørn in Norway
  • ReReBe
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 22.10.2016
    • 2887

    Hello Bjørn,

    here is a link to the requested birth record (second last entry no. 36): https://metryki.genbaza.pl/genbaza,detail,504016,151

    child: born on march 13th 1834 in Gisbicy/Giesebitz and baptised on march 16th was JOHANN FRIEDRICH
    parents: JACOB JANNEK, Häusler (home owner?) and DOROTHEA STRITZEL
    godparents: 1) SIMON JANNEK, Knecht (farmhand) 2) MARTIN STRITZEL, dito (farmhand) 3) CATHARINA BOGADKEM

    Best regards


    • bjornlokken
      • 14.11.2021
      • 43

      Dear Bogadkem

      Thank you very much for the birthrecord and the link . It makes me very happy . You are the very best .

      Best regards from Bjørn in Norway

