Aaltje Judith van Duijsen/Hans Liebe 1929/30

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  • Kooistra
    • 27.06.2011
    • 6

    Aaltje Judith van Duijsen/Hans Liebe 1929/30

    Neues mitglied und jetz schon eine frage !
    Entschuldigung dass ich das Bericht nicht in Deutsch schreibe, Deutsch reden und lesen is kein Problem, Deutsch schreiben ist leider eine ganz andere Sache für ein Holländer wie ich! ;-)
    Hoffentlich ist English kein problem fuer Sie.
    Und wir gehen los:

    In order to complete the genealogy of the van Duijsen family from Holland (The family of my grandmother) I’m looking for information on :

    Aaltje Judith van Duijsen
    Born Zwolle/Holland 14 october 1901
    She moved to Berlin in May/June 1929 to be with her love, a man aptly named “Hans Liebe”
    The last trace we have of her is in 1938 when she lived in Berlin-Frohnau.

    A great Berliner send me the link to the Berliner adresbucher (http://adressbuch.zlb.de/ ) and there I found a Dr Hans Liebe Diplom-Landwirt, first appearing in Wittenau in 1931, and living in Berlin-Frohnau in 1938, who more than likely is the one I’m looking for (as he is the only Hans Liebe in Frohnau at that time)
    And a “Dr Hans Liebe” wrote an article “Gegenwartsprobleme der deutschen Landwirtschaft” in 1950 which could well be the same person.

    Where can I find more information on Aaltje Judith and Hans, like when and where they were married (1929/1930), when did they die, did they have any children?
    Are there any newspaper archives online that I can search through?

    Bin für jeden Hinweis sehr dankbar.
    Jan Willem
  • Dorothea
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 01.03.2008
    • 1415

    Hi Jan Willem,

    in your case I would do the following:

    1. contact the "Einwohnermeldekartei" (see the attachment) - when you have got more informations you can order personal documents from the

    2. "Landesarchiv Berlin" (normally those documents are there -110y after birth, 80y after marriage, 30y after death)

    3. The "Registry Offices" are responsible for the younger cases.

    Also you can try to find living people of the family you are looking for. In our "telefonauskunft.de" I have seen two persons with the name "Liebe" living in Berlin-Frohnau

    I would try to ask there if they are descendents. I wish you success,

    best regards Dorothea
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    • Kooistra
      • 27.06.2011
      • 6


      Many thanks for your reply!
      From the form you sent I see that I may run into problems early on:
      “a legitimate interest”? Uh, yeah, well, I (and first and foremost my distant cousin who is the “guardian” of the genealogy) would like to know what ever happened to her, and “bring the lost sheep back to the flock” if you like. But is that a legitimate interest?
      We don’t have power of attorney, certificate of inheritance or an excerpt of land register, and we’re not descendants of her (we’re merely distant cousins) so it’s gonna be a long road I’m afraid….

      As for her occupation : she was a teacher back in Holland, but was she a teacher too in Berlin? We don’t know.
      And was her name written the same in German as it is in Dutch, or did she/they (the "officials") Germanise her name? We don’t know.

      As for her husband we know his name and that’s about it. And as for his addresses in Berlin that’s only circumstantial evidence, it’s very likely it’s the same person but we can’t be sure.

      So tracking her down will be a problem, a big problem. We know about almost all of her life in Holland, but once she departed for Berlin than it's all a complete blank. There's a man involved, and she gives her address in 1938 as "Berlin-Frohnau" and that's it.

      Maybe I’ll write an e-mail the Deutschen Institut fuer Wirtschaftsforschung , that’s where a man with the same name as her husband wrote an article for in 1950. Could be a lead?

      We’ll try the Landesarchiv first, maybe they’ll “let us in” without an “official” legitimate interest!

      Many thanks for your help, will let you know the outcome.


      • Anke Liebe
        Neuer Benutzer
        • 10.06.2024
        • 1

        Hallo Jan Willem.

        Ich bin die Enkelin von Aaltje und Hans Liebe!!!

        Falls Dich die leider auch nur relativ wenigen Informationen, die ich habe interessieren, schreib mir gern.

        Ich werde in Deutsch schreiben, aber Du kannst gern in Englisch antworten (Google Translator funktioniert sehr gut).

        Liebe Grüße,
        Anke Liebe

