Käss aus Benningen am Neckar

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  • briankaess22
    • 08.02.2016
    • 40

    Käss aus Benningen am Neckar

    Die Suche betrifft das Jahr oder den Zeitraum: 19. Jahrhundert
    Genaue Orts-/Gebietseingrenzung: Benningen am Neckar
    Konfession der gesuchten Person(en):
    Bisher selbst durchgeführte Internet-Recherche (Datenbanken):
    Zur Antwortfindung bereits genutzte Anlaufstellen (Ämter, Archive):

    Mein Großvater väterlicherseits Paul Ernst Kaess (1921-2002) stammte aus Benningen am Neckar und lebte auch in Heutingsheim, Deutschland. Pauls Eltern waren Friedrich Emil Kaess (1889-1969) und Anna Berta Falkenecker (1890-1970). Der Rufname für Friedrich war "Emil Friedrich Kaess. Der Rufname war seiner Enkeltochter Ursula Kaess bekannt. Er wurde auch in Benningen geboren. Pauls Großeltern väterlicherseits waren Andreas Kaess (b. 1846 in Benningen) und Johanna Caroline Lang (b. 1850).
    Paul Ernst Kaess stammte aus einer langen Reihe von Kaess von Benningen am Neckar, Deutschland. Sie sprach Deutsch mit einem Schwäbisch-Akzent. Es wird auch angenommen, dass die Kaess Familie aus dem schwäbischen Adel kommt. Die Kaess werden als eine der "alten" Familien in Benningen betrachtet.
    Gerd Edwin Paul Kaess (1947-1972) verließ Deutschland nach Chicago in den USA im Jahr 1965. Er war Pauls Sohn. Im Februar 2016 leben seine Nachkommen in Indiana und Mexiko. Ich versuche, die Namen von direkten Vorfahren von Andreas Kaes (b. 1846 in Benningen) zu finden. Wenn jemand irgendwelche Informationen über die Kaess Familie in Benningen hat, wenden Sie sich gerne an mich.
  • Anna Sara Weingart
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 23.10.2012
    • 15873

    maybe he was 10 years younger, then this could be his birth
    Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and resources.
    Viele Grüße


    • briankaess22
      • 08.02.2016
      • 40

      I believe the person you mentioned was related to Andreas Kaes (b. 1846), but not the same person as far as I can tell, although it is a possibility. Andreas Kaes appears in an ancestral file at family search as the husband of Johanna Caroline Lang (b. 1850).
      The link is: https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:1:MWQV-J6V
      Andreas Kaes and Johanna Caroline Lang are also mentioned as the parents of Friedrich Emil Kaes, b. Oct 15 1889 in Benningen, Wuerttemburg, Germany.
      The link for that is: https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NZJ2-H8Q
      In 2015, a copy of Paul Ernst Kaess' marriage license to Hildegard Golz was obtained from the authorities in Kamp-Lintfort, North Rhine-Westphalia. In this marriage record of 1953, it specifically mentions Friedrich Emil Kaess as the Father of Paul Ernst Kaess (1921-2002) and also mentions Friedrich's birthdate as Oct 15 1889.
      This information has allowed me to trace the family to Andreas Kaes (b. 1846), as I mentioned before.

      Paul Ernst Kaess (1921-2002) had two wives: 1) Dorothea Dorschke (1922-1951) and, 2) Hildegard Golz (1924-2004). He married Dorothea in 1944 and had two children with her: Elke and Gerd. He married Hildegard in 1953 and also had two children with her: Arnhild and Ursula. Paul lived in Heutingsheim, Germany, from at least 1953 until 1971. He stayed in Benningen am Neckar, Germany, from 1971 until at least 1996. After 1996, he stayed in a nursing home of the Hospitallers in Pleidelsheim, Germany, until his death in 2002. Paul was born in Benningen am Neckar, Germany, and likely grew up there. He appears to have settled in Heutingsheim after the war.


      • Anna Sara Weingart
        Erfahrener Benutzer
        • 23.10.2012
        • 15873

        Zitat von briankaess Beitrag anzeigen
        ... Andreas Kaes appears in an ancestral file at family search .... The link is: https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:1:MWQV-J6V ...
        Hi Brian,
        This ancestral file contains some incorrect information.
        For example it claims that Johann Michael LANG, the great-great-grandfather of Johanna Caroline LANG, had been born in 1729.
        But he was born on 21 June 1716, as you can see if you have a look on my own family tree http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-...sahnen&id=I435
        You will notice that we are related.
        Best regards
        Zuletzt geändert von Anna Sara Weingart; 10.02.2016, 14:53.
        Viele Grüße


        • entenmann
          • 30.01.2013
          • 94

          Hallo Brian,
          meine Vorfahren kommen auch zum Teil aus Benningen und meine 3 Uroma ist Anna Maria käs (1831) also sind wir irgendwie verwandt =) ich konnte keinen Andreas Käs finden der 1846 geboren ist .....aber schau doch mal bei Ancestry die Kirchenbücher durch
          Grüßle Beate


          • briankaess22
            • 08.02.2016
            • 40

            Dietrich Kuechler says that the Kaess surname in Benningen am Neckar, Germany, is at least as old as 1545. It is also spelled Käss or Käß.
            He says that the Kaess ancestors traceable to 1545 were actually from Erdmannhausen, Germany - a nearby town to Benningen.

            My email has changed to bkaess2 [at] gmail.com. Contact me anytime.


            • entenmann
              • 30.01.2013
              • 94

              Hello Brian,
              I am your 4x Cousin Beate we have the same DNA in FTDNA... the first Käs who lived in Benningen was Georg Käs 1669-1755. He was born in Burgstall. His grandpa was Endres Käs 1599 in Affalterbach and his grandma was Anna Maria Bidembach 1603 our 9x grandparents.
              You can have a look at this side: http://forum.ahnenforschung.net/show...692#post952692 =)
              If you want I can give you the invitation to my ancestry famillytree and you can see our ancesters =)
              Zuletzt geändert von entenmann; 02.10.2016, 19:13.


              • Anna Sara Weingart
                Erfahrener Benutzer
                • 23.10.2012
                • 15873

                Erdmannhausen and Affalterbach are only 1 mile away.
                Both are villages, not a town.
                Best regards.
                Viele Grüße


                • briankaess22
                  • 08.02.2016
                  • 40

                  Beate Stromsky believes that the Andreas Kaes (b.1846) I am referring to was actually an Johann Andreas Kaes, b. 31 Jul 1856 to Andreas Kaes and Johanna Catharina Entenmann.

                  Johanna Catharina Entenmann was born Dec 29 1827 in Benningen, died Feb 20 1876. Her spouse was Andreas Kaes, b. Apr 22 1831 in Benningen, d. 1868. The parents of Andreas Kaes (1831-1868) were Jakob Friedrich Kaes and Catharine Buerkle. The Parents of Johanna Catharina Entenmann (1827-1876) were Johann Caspar Entenmann and Johanna Katharina Kaes. The siblings of Johann Andreas Kaess (1856-1927) were Johanne Margarethe Kaes (1862-1926), Christiane Margarethe Kaes (1868-1868), and Johann Christian Kaes (1859-1920).

                  Johann Andreas Kaes (1856-1927) married Johanne Magdalene Kaes on Apr 29 1880. Andreas Kaes (b. 1846) married Johanna Caroline Lang on Nov 2 1879. This disparity in marriage dates and partners proves that Johann Andreas Kaes (1856-1927) and Andreas Kaes (b. 1846) were distinct persons.


                  • entenmann
                    • 30.01.2013
                    • 94

                    Aber wer sind die Eltern von Andreas Käs (1846)? Ich kann weder die Geburt, den Taufeintrag, die Konfirmation noch die Hochzeit finden =( und unter den Toten find ich ihn auch nicht.


                    • briankaess22
                      • 08.02.2016
                      • 40

                      Information on Paul Ernst Kaess

                      Sgt. Paul Ernst Kaess in Batterie Sturm-Artillerie-Abteilung 190

                      My Grandfather Paul Ernst Kaess (1921-2002) served in the German Army in WWII. Paul Ernst Kaess military record from the German Army in WWII was obtained from Deutsche Dienstelle Berlin in Feb 2017 by Brian Paul Kaess, his Grandson.
                      Paul’s entry date for the German Army was June 17 1940. He attended Field Artillery training in Batterie schwere Artillerie-Ersatz-Abteilung 61 in Pilsen (June 1940) and Schwabisch Gmund (Sept 1940). He also trained with Batterie Artillerie-Lehr-Regiment Juteborg in Sept 1940. He was assigned to Batterie Sturm-Artillerie-Abteilung 190 from Oct 1 1940 to Feb 4 1944. He also served in Sturmgeschutz-Brigade 190 from Jan 14 1944. From Feb 24 1944 to his discharge (his discharge date is unknown), he served in Genesendenbatterie Sturmgeschutz-Erzatz- und Ausbildungs-Abteilung 200 in Schweinfurt.

                      Paul was in the hospital three times:
                      1) June 22 1942 in Kriegslazarett 2/610 Simferopol
                      2) Jan 30 1944 to Feb 9 1944 in Reservelazarett I Warschau, C1, Salzstrasse
                      3) Feb 2 1944 in Reservelazarett III Hannover, Abteilung Clementinenhaus
                      Von Reservelazarett I Warshau.

                      Paul Ernst Kaess was promoted to Gefreiter (Corporal) in June 22 1942 and promoted to Unteroffizier (Seargent) on Jan 30 1944. His final Discharge date is unknown but is believed to be around late 1944-45.
                      Brian Paul Kaess


                      • entenmann
                        • 30.01.2013
                        • 94

                        Hallo Brian
                        ich habe den fehlenden Andreas gefunden =) er ist schon am 13.11.1824 geboren
                        Johanna Carolina war seine zweite Ehefrau. Hier der Link zum Familienregister, von Ancestry, aus Benningen. https://www.ancestry.de/interactive/...&usePUBJs=true Grüßle Beate


                        • briankaess22
                          • 08.02.2016
                          • 40

                          Here is a revised Kaess Surname Line.
                          Line of ascent from Paul Jesus Kaess to Georg Kaes:

                          Paul Jesus Kaess (b. 2001)
                          Brian Paul Kaess (b. 1967)
                          Gerd Edwin Paul Kaess (1947-1972)
                          Paul Ernst Kaess (1921-2002)
                          Friedrich Emil Kaes (1889-1968)
                          Andreas Kaes (1824-1896)
                          Johannes Kaes (1794-1862/1869)
                          Andreas Kaes (1757-1824)
                          Johann Jacob Kaes (1730-1794)
                          Johann Georg Kaes (b. abt 1704)
                          Georg Kaes (1669-1755)
                          Georg Kaes (b. 1634)

                          Kaess Family Ancestors
                          The parents of Friedrich Emil Kaes (1889-1968) are Andreas Kaes (1824-1896) and Johanna Caroline Lang (b. 1850). Andreas Kaes was born Nov 13 1824 and died Mar 14 1896, both in Benningen, Wuerttemberg, Germany. Andreas Kaes had two children out of wedlock with Magdalena Böhler: Caroline Kaes (b. Sep 5 1851) and Wilhelm Kaes (b. Nov 15 1852). Andreas was married twice. His first wife Anna Dietiker (1823-1879) died in 1879 – the same year he married Joahnna Caroline Lang (his 2nd wife). Ann reputedly came from Switzerland. No known children with Ann. With Joahnna Caroline Lang, Andreas Kaes had five children, his last child being Friedrich Emil Kaes (1889-1968). There is a 'familien register' placing Andreas Kaes with his spouse Johanna Caroline (Lang) Kaes, along with their five children and parents. It also mentions that Friedrich Emil Kaes traveled to Buenos Aires in 1923.
                          The parents of Andreas Kaes are Johannes Kaes (1794-1862/1869) and Regina Barbara Staengle (1789-1829). Johannes Kaes was born Aug 8 1794 and died Dec 12 1862 or Jan 1 1869. Regina Barbara Staengle was born Apr 4 1789 and died Aug 3 1829. These dates hould be checked.
                          The parents of Johannes Kaes are Andreas Kaes (1757-1824) and Johanna Barbara Entenmann (1760-1824). They married on Aug 7 1782 in Benningen. Andreas Kaes was born Jul 17 1757 and died on Feb 9 1824, both in Benningen. Johanna Barbara Entenmann was born Jun 23 1760 (in Benningen) and died Oct 30 1824. The Kaess’ and Entenmann’s are both ‘old’ families in Benningen and there is evidence of intermarriage between them.
                          Johanna Barbara Entenmann (1760-1824) was married to Andreas Kaes (1757-1824) in Benningen am Neckar, Germany. Her parents were Johann Friedrich Entenmann (1724-1802) and Anna Maria Eberle (1730-1810). The Entenmann's were intermarried with the Kaess' in Benningen. They were also descendants of the Haller von Hallerstein family, a noble family from Nuremburg.
                          The parents of Andreas Kaes (1757-1824) were Johann Jacob Kaes (1730-1794) and Anna Elizabeth Buerkle (1732-1760). They married on Aug 21 1753 in Benningen. Johann Jacob Kaes was born on Oct 16 1730 and died on Oct 24 1794, both in Benningen. Anna Elizabeth Buerkle was born on Nov 30 1732 and died on Nov 26 1760, both in Benningen. The parents of Johann Jacob Kaes were Johann Georg Kaes (b. abt 1704) and Anna Margaretha Thomas (b. July 26 1700 in Benningen). They married on Nov 10 1729 in Benningen.
                          Finally, the parents of Johann Georg Kaess were Georg Kaes (1669-1755) and Anna Catharina Roestlin (b. 1658). They married on Nov 27 1703 in Benningen. Georg Kaes was born Jan 27 1669 in Burgstall, Germany and died on Jan 9 1755 in Benningen. Georg Kaess was the ‘first’ Kaess in Benningen. He eventually settled in Benningen after his marriage.
                          Therefore, Benningen am Neckar, Germany, has been the ‘Heimat’ of the Kaess Family for centuries.
                          Therefore, the Kaess Family Tree is elucidated.

                          Brian Paul Kaess joined the Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society (based in Pennsylvania) in Oct 2017 to Dec 2018. He submitted a Letter to the Editor that will be published in the Dec 2017 issue of Der Kurier, newsletter for MAGS. This Letter contains slight info on the Kaess Family.

                          Brian Paul Kaess wrote three books in 2017:
                          1) Notes on the Kaess Family (2018). 49 pages. Written in June 2017. The publication date (2018) is misleading, it was actually written in 2017. Not up to par with other works, some mistakes. At ACPL in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, There is an addendum with 'Chicago Friends.'
                          2) Kaess/Ochiltree/Swartz Family History (2017). 81 pages. Written in July 2017. This book has a good coverage of the family, on both sides of the 'pond'. Slight mistakes, especially in abbreviations. The most accurate info on Paul Ernst Kaess.
                          3) Kaess Family from the Neckar Valley (2017). 44 pages. Written in Sept 2017. This book was intended to be a masterpiece, but is slightly limited in scope. Tends to have the most up to date info of all three volumes. Most accurate Kaess Surname Line. Only available at familysearch.org .

                          Dietrich Kuechler (from Swabia) told Brian Paul Kaess that there were many Kaess' from Erdmannhausen, nearby to Benningen. The Kaess' show up in the stock books of Erdmannhausen all the way back to 1522. The whole clan comes from there and settled in nearby towns, such as Benningen am Neckar.

                          Kaess Family from the Neckar Valley (2017) by Brian Paul Kaess is found in the following link at familysearch:

                          Arnhild Kaess-Tiefenbach says that, after the death of Paul Ernst Kaess in 2002, that there was an announcement.

                          Brian Paul Kaess name appears in the 1984-1985 Lane Tech H.S. (Chicago) Warrior school newsletter in an article about a Marine Fitness Team competition. Brian placed 4th in an Individual competition (Chicago area) and received a trophy for his efforts. It was in the Warrior or similar Lane newsletter. Brian was the Captain of the Lane Tech Marine Fitness Team which participated in this contest.
                          Brian Paul Kaess was also Vice President of the Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) Philosophy Club from 1991-1992.

                          Brian Paul Kaess (b. 1967) named his son Paul Jesus Kaess (b. 2001) after Brian's Paternal Grandfather Paul Ernst Kaess (1921-2002). The elder Paul had been a German soldier in WWII, wounded in battle.

                          There is a mention/slight obit for Marie Ellen Dawson Kaess (1945-2012) in the November 2012 Issue of the Dixon Blue Light News, an SCV Camp Newsletter from Belleville, Illinois. It is on page 3. Here is a link:

                          There is also a mention of LCpl. Brian 'Chaos' Kaess in Our Military Heritage database, Peacetime section, at Allen County Public Library in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. This is the same person as Brian Paul Kaess. Link below:

                          In abt June/July 1997, Brian Paul Kaess and his friend Bill visited Sea World San Diego. They petted the Dolphins and saw the Shamu Killer Whale show. Brian was in the Marines at this time, in the School of Infantry. Bill (German B.A.from UIC) was a civilian friend living in San Diego. They were mutual friends to Isolde Kohn, a German. Bill worked at Pier 1 Imports.

                          Brian Paul Kaess' name appears (as 'Brian Kaess') in the Lane Tech H.S. Warrior newsletter of June 6 1985 in an article titled, 'Marine Fitness looking for New recruits.' Lane is a public high school in Chicago.

                          Käes ein Adeliches Geschlechte in Schwaben, dessen Wappen einmal die Quere und unten wieder einmahl die Länge getheilet ist. Im ersten Schilde befindet sich ein schwarzer gekrönter Adler im goldenen Felde. Im andern sind drei goldene Sterne im blauen Felde. Im dritten sieht man einen aufgerichteten silbernen Löwen im roten Felde. Auf den gecrönten Helme steht ein schwarzer gecrönter Adler. Die Helm-Decke zur Rechten ist schwarz und Gold, zur Linken rot und Silber. Wappenb.(uch) III.p.III.


                          • didirich
                            Erfahrener Benutzer
                            • 02.12.2011
                            • 1344

                            Hallo Brian
                            Dein letztes Zitat mit der Wappen Beschreibung würde ich bei Heraldik und Wappenkunde einstellen ! Dort sind die Spezialisten, die eventuell weiter helfen können ! Gruß didirich


                            • briankaess22
                              • 08.02.2016
                              • 40

                              This is a family story about Garret Thomas Kaess, written by his identical twin, Brian Paul Kaess. When Garret Thomas Kaess (b. 1967) was growing up in Chicago’s north side neighborhood of Edgewater, he had a Dream, and that Dream was to go to Medical School. But it didn’t all start out that way though. After Graduating with his Twin Brian Paul Kaess from St. Gregory Elementary School in 1981, the duo were accepted to and attended Lane Tech H.S.; Garret struggled with his courses Freshman and Sophomore year. Junior year was a disaster as well- he finally dropped out.
                              However, he decided to turn his life around. He spent two weeks in his basement apt. at the family home on 1629 W. Hollywood Ave. (in Chicago), and emerged from the basement with a promise to himself- he wanted to go to Medical School!
                              But first he had to graduate from high school. He transferred to Cosmopolitan Prep School,a private high school for troubled kids, and learned Math & Science voraciously. He paid for his classes by working as a pageboy at Edgewater Medical Center and also as a paperboy for the Chicago Tribune. He would deliver papers to the Gold Coast high rise buildings.
                              He graduated from high school, and placed into Truman College’s Honors Program, known as the CLASS Program. He spent a year at Truman and got straight A’s. He then applied for a scholarship to Roosevelt University and was accepted as a General Scholarship recipient. At Roosevelt, he majored in Chemistry. He would hide at his job at Edgewater to have more study time. By the time he graduated from Roosevelt, he had attained a remarkable record. A GPA of 3.97 and Salutatorian of his graduating class.
                              Now the Medical School application process began. He took the MCAT and scored a 52. He applied to about 9 or 10 Medical schools and was accepted into 7 or 8. He also earned a U.S. Army Medical Scholarship. He decided to go to Loyola U. Chicago Medical School, because his Father Gerd Edwin Paul Kaess (1947-1972), an immigrant from Germany, had studied at Loyola U. Chicago undergrad in the 60’s. Garret was commissioned a 2ndLt. In the U.S. Army.
                              Garret’s studies went ok for 2 ½ years, but then in his 6th semester, someone stole his beeper, and Garret, wary of falling behind on rounds, dropped out. Even though he never became a Doctor, his family still remembers his dream (in the basement) of wanting to go to Medical School.

                              Azra (Bojic) Mandzuka (b. Nov 13 1965) was a girlfriend to Brian Paul Kaess in Chicago from 1993-95 and 1999-2000. In Aug 1999, Brian got her pregnant and this was an unwanted pregnancy for Azra. She was married to another man, Mohammed Mandzuka, at the time. Brian paid Azra $700 to have an abortion in the Chicago area, which she did. End of story.

                              Brian Paul Kaess became enchanted with German culture after visiting the German-speaking countries in 1990. In 2000, Brian Paul Kaess was eating pizza and having gourmet coffee with Mayte Urbina Kaess at Water Tower Place on Michigan Ave. in Chicago. Brian Paul Kaess told his newly-wed 2nd wife Mayte Urbina Kaess that 'my ancestors were kings in Germany'. This was based on his interaction with his Grandfather Paul Ernst Kaess who relayed to him documents that showed that the Kaess Family was descended from Swabian Nobility and were even perhaps collateral descendants of German Kings.

                              Ghost Story
                              In the late 1980’s or so, Garret Thomas Kaess and his friend John Carl Toth went exploring at night in Rosehill Cemetery on Chicago’s North Side. The cemetery is fairly large and they crossed from one end to the other and back. While traveling through the cemetery, late at night, about the witching hour, John noticed a sort of creature poke its head up from above one of the tombstones. John said, ‘Look it’s a Ghost!!’ They were both scared and ran out of the cemetery like bats out of hell. Later they thought maybe it was a squirrel or dog that had frightened them, but they weren’t sure. What a Ghost Story!

                              Unrelated, Mayte Urbina Kaess liked to tell/listen to ghost stories, scary tales and to watch scary movies. She would like to poke fun at her family and say ‘Booooo…!’
                              Zuletzt geändert von briankaess22; 19.05.2018, 17:46.

