Frackowiak family from Gnesen

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  • Debid76
    • 27.05.2011
    • 20

    Frackowiak family from Gnesen


    I have been looking for information on my great-grandfather's family for many years and have finally found a record giving me the names of his parents. His sister's marriage record from 1916 in Hamburg states she is daughter of shoemaker Stanislaus Frackowiak, residing in Gnesen and his wife Julianna, born Wÿszÿnska, deceased, last residing in Gnesen.

    I would like to find more information on Stanislaus and Julainna and would really like some guidance.

    The only other information I have on this family is my great-grandfather's name was Zygmunt Frackowiak born 4 Apr 1887, sister Waleria born 9 Dec 1889, both in Warsaw. They also had a sister Carolina whom I have no information on.

    My great-grandfather changed his last name when he became stranded in the U.S. at the outbreak of WWI. I finally was able to be certain it was Frackowiak when I found his sister's marriage record. I have been trying to research his family for about 9 years!

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,


    Ich habe seit vielen Jahren für Informationen über mein Urgroßvater der Familie sucht und haben endlich einen Rekord mir die Namen seiner Eltern zu geben. Seine Schwester Ehe Rekord aus dem Jahr 1916 in Hamburg heißt sie ist Tochter von Schuster Stanislaus Frackowiak, in Gnesen Wohnsitz und seine Frau Julianna, geb. Wyszynska, gestorben, zuletzt mit Wohnsitz in Gnesen.
    Ich möchte mehr Informationen über Stanislaus und Julainna finden und würde wirklich einige Hinweise mögen.
    Die einzige andere Informationen, die ich auf dieser Familie ist mein Urgroßvater Name wurde Zygmunt Frackowiak 4. April 1887 geboren, Schwester Waleria 9. Dezember 1889, beide geboren in Warschau. Sie hatten auch eine Schwester Carolina, den ich auf keine Informationen haben.
    Mein Urgroßvater änderte seinen Nachnamen, als er in den USA bei Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs angeschwemmt wurde. Ich war endlich in der Lage zu sein, sicher, es war Frackowiak, als ich seine Schwester Ehe Rekord gefunden. Ich habe versucht, seine Familie für etwa 9 Jahren Forschung!
    Jede Hilfe wäre sehr dankbar.
    Vielen Dank,
  • Juergen
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 18.01.2007
    • 6055

    Hello Debby,

    you know the copys of birth 1887 and the copy marriage 1886 in Warschau?

    in russian.
    marriage 1886: in Church: "Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzymskokatolickiej Narodzenia NMP w Warszawie (Leszno)"

    Nr. 141:

    Birth Zygmund 1887 in Warschau Nr.548:

    Copys of civil-registers of Gnesen (Gniezno) not yet online for 1900-1911.
    Registers are in Archiv Poznan.

    Gniezno urząd stanu cywilnego zgony - death 1874-1877
    Gniezno urząd stanu cywilnego zgony - death 1874-1912
    Gniezno urząd stanu cywilnego zgony - death 1874-1912

    Best regards
    Zuletzt geändert von Juergen; 03.03.2016, 18:45.


    • Juergen
      Erfahrener Benutzer
      • 18.01.2007
      • 6055

      perhaps, Parents of Stanislaus Frąckowiak?

      Death in Nekla Provinz Posen, Prussia, Andreas Frąckowiak, age 54; Wi

      copie -->

      Nekla (Standesamt) - death-record, year 1878.
      Andreas Frąckowiak (54 Jahre) , Eltern: Valentin Frąckowiak , Petronella ,
      Ehepartner Marianna Zaworska,
      Andere Personen, die in der Urkunde genannt wurden:
      Szczepan Nowak.

      Father: Andreas Frąckowiak, Mother: Marianna Zaworska.
      This are the same names in marriage record 1886 in Warschau:

      the groom Frąckowiak came from Posen, i read it so, in russian.

      perhaps: Katholische Pfarre Opatówko by Nekla.
      Eintrag 1 / 1847
      Andreas Frąckowiak (22 Jahre alt)
      Marianna Surdyk geborene Zaworska (33 Jahre alt, Witwe)

      scans not yet online.


      You also find this ago?

      Zuletzt geändert von Juergen; 03.03.2016, 20:48.


      • Debid76
        • 27.05.2011
        • 20

        Hi Juergen,

        I cannot explain how happy I am to see this! I can't wait to get home and get a better look, and to get the records translated! I had recently looked for his birth record on that website and didn't find anything.

        It is such a gift that I get to share this with my grandma. Thank you so very much for that!!



        • Juergen
          Erfahrener Benutzer
          • 18.01.2007
          • 6055

          Hello Debby,

          i can not good russian but a little bit, so english, both very bad.

          Fakt is, the Groom Stanislaw Frąckowiak was born in Mala-Gorka Provinz Posen (Prussia),
          i see that now.

          His Father Andreas Frąckowiak died and born in Mala Gorka, the russian wrote: Mala Gurka.

          Malagorka: County: Schroda; Province: Posen; Prussia, > 1919 German Empire, later Poland.

          The Name Frąckowiak is right in polski, FRONCKOWIAK is false scripted.

          Marriage 1886 in Warschau:

          See the signature of Stanislaus Frąckowiak underneath of the document.

          сапожник = Shoemaker, perhaps is so written in this document сапоcynik..?

          here сапожник? I think so.

          all of
          Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzymskokatolickiej Narodzenia NMP w Warszawie (Leszno)

 not complet with birth-Index for that.

          Fr..... = russian фр....
          Each year of birth-record is with name-index in original book.

          Russki alphabet: Y = U; after that, ф = F, different to german.

          Zuletzt geändert von Juergen; 04.03.2016, 03:13.


          • Debid76
            • 27.05.2011
            • 20

            This is just amazing! I truly cannot thank you enough! I wish I could do this on my own, but I only speak English , and even with translating webpages it is still so difficult. I don't think I would have ever found this on my own. You have given my family and me such a gift!

            Kindest Regards,



            • entenschnabel
              • 07.08.2011
              • 15


              in Adressbuch of Gnesen from 1903 You can find Stanislaus Frąckowiak,Schuhmacher (shoemaker) , living Bromberger Str.14.
              Best wishes


              • Debid76
                • 27.05.2011
                • 20


                Thank you! I also saw he and Zygmund in the 1906/1907 Adressbuch of Gnesen from the other thread.



                • Kasstor
                  Erfahrener Benutzer
                  • 09.11.2009
                  • 13440

                  Hi Debby,

                  I wonder why you didn´t find Waleria´s sister Helene, married in Altona Oct 17th 1917 to Watzlaff Milke.
                  DOB Nov 13,1892 Gnesen Helene
                  Sep 6, 1891 Lubochnia, Wittkowo district, Watzlaff


                  FN Pein (Quickborn vor 1830), FN Hinsch (Poppenbüttel, Schenefeld), FN Holle (Hamburg, Lüchow?), FN Ludwig/Niesel (Frankenstein/Habelschwerdt) FN Tönnies (Meelva bei Karuse-Estland, später Hamburg), FN Lindloff (Altona, Lüneburg, Suderburg)

                  Ceterum censeo progeniem hominum esse deminuendam


                  • Debid76
                    • 27.05.2011
                    • 20

                    Zitat von Kasstor Beitrag anzeigen
                    Hi Debby,

                    I wonder why you didn´t find Waleria´s sister Helene, married in Altona Oct 17th 1917 to Watzlaff Milke.
                    DOB Nov 13,1892 Gnesen Helene
                    Sep 6, 1891 Lubochnia, Wittkowo district, Watzlaff


                    My Gram has always said his sister's names were Valeria and Caroline, so I was looking for a name similar to Caroline. I didn't even think to look for another Frackowiak in the Hamburg records.

                    Thank you so much for this! I truly appreciate all the assistance I have received.

