Wartenberg (Kr. Allenstein) Gefängnis

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  • Hicklin
    • 13.10.2014
    • 12

    Wartenberg (Kr. Allenstein) Gefängnis

    Ich bin auf der Suche nach der Datensätze aus der Königlichen Gefängnis am Wartenberg. Einer meiner fernen Cousins starb dort 1863. So weit die Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek und polnischen Archiven sind auch nicht sehr hilfreich oder angegeben sie haben keine Dokumente.

    Wenn jemand hat ein paar Vorschläge, ICH hören gerne zurück. Vielen Dank!

    Todd Hicklin

    I'm looking to find the records from the Royal Prison at Wartenberg. One of my distant cousins died there in 1863. So far the EZB and Polish archives have not been very helpful or indicated they have any documents. If anyone has some suggestions, I would appreciate hearing back. Thanks!
  • jacq

    • 15.01.2012
    • 9719

    Hi Todd,

    can u give us the name and maybe further information of the person you're looking for?
    Do you look for the death record or something like a prisoner file?
    Viele Grüße,


    • Hicklin
      • 13.10.2014
      • 12

      Hi Jacq,

      I'm looking for a prisoner file, death certificate or any other information regarding Martin S K U B I N N A. According to the Dubeningken Church Death Record Book [Kreis Goldap], Entry #87, page 76 (LDS Microfilm 70907): “Der Wirth Martin Skubinna Als Sträfling in der Straf Anstalt zu Wartenburg verstorben. Krankheit Wassersucht. Alter 30. Tag des Todesfalles 19 Mai [1863].” He was born in 1834 at Budweitschen, Kreis Goldap.

      I have contacted the Kreisgemeinschaft Allenstein and Goldap; Polish State Archives at Suwalki and Olsztyn; Church Council of Olsztyn; Lutheran Church at Olsztyn and reviewed on Kirchenbuchen for Stadt Wartenberg. All with out any luck. I'm doubtful any records exist, but thought I would try and find out what I can. Many thanks for your help. As always, I appreciate it! Todd


      • Klingerswalde39_44

        Hi Todd,
        may be you can find him here:


        • jacq

          • 15.01.2012
          • 9719

          Hi Todd,

          according to the church death record book Dubeningken he died on 19. Mai 1862.
          Unfortunately someone has cut off half of the pages..

          There's no entry in the column for the burial date.
          Strangely, there's no entry for him in the records for "Wartenberg, Strafanstalt".
          (Ok, I guess you already checked this one?)

          Signature "42/271/0/" for the state archives Allenstein just holds younger documents.

          Nothing really new, sorry. Nevertheless I hope you may find something.
          Viele Grüße,


          • Klingerswalde39_44

            Hallo Jacq,
            nur mal eine Verständnisfrage: wenn er in der Strafanstalt Wartenberg verstarb, müsste dann nicht der Tod in der zuständigen evang. oder katholischen Kirche dort vermerkt sein?
            Oder bringe ich da was durcheinander?


            • vossy
              Erfahrener Benutzer
              • 14.03.2012
              • 217



              ich hab zwar nichts zum Gefängnis Wartenberg, aber
              im Goldaper Kreisblatt
              ZEFYS, das Zeitungsinformationssystem der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin ist ein Portal für den Nachweis und Zugriff auf aktuelle und historische Zeitungen aus Deutschland und der ganzen Welt.

              wird er Name mehrfach erwähnt:
              S.Martin, Besitzer Loyen Ausgabe v. 10.11.1921
              S. Otto Martin geb. 1.11.1890 Militärpflichtiger Ausgabe v. 5.6.1912
              S. Karl Loyen Ehrenfeldhüter Ausgabe v. 11.2.1923

              Vielleicht passt da was?

              FN Brettschneider Orte: Oblitten/Possindern/Königsberg
              Satticken Krs.Goldap
              FN Augart Orte: Groß Engelau/Colm Krs. Wehlau
              FNStuhrmannKlein Nuhr
              FNKristahnKlein Nuhr
              FNDanne(n)bergKlein Nuhr
              FN: Back Ort: Siegritz/Krs.Hildburghausen/Thüringen
              FN: Burkmann Ort: Reurieth/Krs.Hildburghausen/Thüringen
              FN:Sorge Ort: Röblitz/Krs.Saalfeld/Thüringen


              • Hicklin
                • 13.10.2014
                • 12

                Hi Jacq, Klingerswald39_44 and Vossy:

                Thank you both for your excellent help. I appreciate it. I reviewed the listings on FamilySearch and will look up the LDS microfilm for the death records on microfilm for the Katholische Kirche Wartenburg. I had inquired about the Wartenberg, Strafanstalt" and was told there was no entry for my cousin. I appreciate your having looked there too.

                Jacq, I appreciate your time in looking up the Dubeningken records. I’m not sure why I mistyped 1863. My copy of the record does say 1862. Thank you for pointing my error out. Also I appreciate that most people who have written to me have such excellent English skills. I’m sorry my German is so poor, but it isn’t taught at my High School. Perhaps when I go to university it will be, although our local university does not offer it any more.

                Regarding Klingerswald39_44’s notation to Jacq, it was my original assumption that the death would have been recorded in the Prison Chapel records. I asked the Polish State Archives about this and the answer was they could not find Chapel records for the 1860s.

                Vossy, thank you for the information and link. I was previously referred to the same webpages for the Goldaper Kreisblatt, but I have only looked through 1908-1909 so far. I intend to go through all the listings and will make sure that I look for the three references you have kindly provided. I appreciate your research on my behalf!

                Also, the Ahnenforschung forum is terrific! I have found it to be very useful, informative and a great help in my research! Best regards to you all, Todd Hicklin

