Family Polemann

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  • conita_
    • 04.07.2020
    • 54

    Family Polemann

    Hello, my name is Costanza, I'm from Argentina and I'm trying to write my family history.
    My great grandfather was born in Schönberg in 1875, and he came to Argentina in 1889. He came with his father, Eduard Gustav Polemann (born in Wesselburen), who owned a pharmacy in Shönberg and later transferred to Lübeck prior to Argentina.

    I know that Eduard was the son of Frierich Otto, who was born in Wilster and lived in Wesselburen and Kiel as a pharmacist. His father, Hans Polemann, was Wilster's Mayor (but was born in Altona apparently)
    As you can see, I have found quite some information. But nonetheless I'm still searching for information about my ancestors in Germany to try to organize and understand better their lives.
    Also, I know that I'm related to Erdwin Polemann a lutheran pastor in Bremen in the late 1600, but I haven't found yet the connection.

    I would like to know if there's any kind of help you can give me, or if there is
    any other way to find more information about my family's history.
    Any kind of information would be helpful and very much appreciated.

    Thank you so much in advance
    Best regards,
  • Kasstor
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 09.11.2009
    • 13436

    ¡Hola Costanza!

    Polemann family seems to be very interesting and widely-spread.

    I found this Hamburg newspaper from 1826 right col.
    A lot of names, but unfortunately no relationship given.
    Anna Regina P. nee Prale dec. Sep 17, 1826 in Klein Flottbeck
    Hans Friederich Gustav P. in Wilster
    Friederica Dorothea Christiane Ebeling, nee Polemann in Hamburg(?)
    Peter Heinrich Polemann in Cape Town ( Ciudad del Cabo)
    Christian P. in Lille
    Ernst P. in St. Petersburg
    Isabella P. in Lübeck (?)
    Eduard P. in Lübeck
    Emilie Wende nee Polemann in Gotemburgo
    Catharina Elisabeth P. in Hamburg(?)
    Anton Heinrich P. in Lübeck

    Anna Regina was Ernst Heinrich´s wife. But maybe you already knew these family members.


    Zuletzt geändert von Kasstor; 04.07.2020, 21:39.
    FN Pein (Quickborn vor 1830), FN Hinsch (Poppenbüttel, Schenefeld), FN Holle (Hamburg, Lüchow?), FN Ludwig/Niesel (Frankenstein/Habelschwerdt) FN Tönnies (Meelva bei Karuse-Estland, später Hamburg), FN Lindloff (Altona, Lüneburg, Suderburg)

    Ceterum censeo progeniem hominum esse deminuendam


    • Kasstor
      Erfahrener Benutzer
      • 09.11.2009
      • 13436

      A provisional result based upon several internet resources:

      Lambert Polemann abt 1590 -? , graeflich Tecklenburgischer Gerichtshalter ( judge or clerk of the court?)

      Johann(es) 9. August 1625 Osnabrueck - 17 April 1680 Bremen, Domprediger ( priest at )

      Erdwin Hermann 21 December 1663 Wildeshausen - 29. October 1733
      Johann Erdwin 1699 Bremen - 1760
      Hermann Matthias 24.May 1702 - ?

      Christoph Heinrich 6 December 1669 Bremen - 1725 Altenwerder / Hamburg, pastor
      married to Anna Maria Meyer
      Anna Margaretha Beata 14.10.1708 Altenwerder - 10 January 1793 Scharmbeck, married 1730 to Juergen Wilhelm Schroeder
      Theodor Anton Schroeder Feb 1734 Scharmbeck - ?, priest in Quickborn and Uetersen
      Gottfried Joachim Schroeder 28 Oct 1746 Scharmbeck - 06 Oct 1809 Bremen
      Ernst Heinrich ? - 1 Sep 1786 Altona, advocate in Pinneberg, bank manager in Altona, married to Anna Regina Prale
      at least two sons
      Hans Fried(e)rich Gustav 14. Oct 1768 Pinneberg(?)
      Peter Heinrich 1779 - 1839 Cape Town

      Meinhard Gustav 28 june 1679 Bremen - 1747 Assel, pastor
      married to Eleonora NN , ? - March 1762 Neuenwalde / Assel

      Zuletzt geändert von Kasstor; 04.07.2020, 23:29.
      FN Pein (Quickborn vor 1830), FN Hinsch (Poppenbüttel, Schenefeld), FN Holle (Hamburg, Lüchow?), FN Ludwig/Niesel (Frankenstein/Habelschwerdt) FN Tönnies (Meelva bei Karuse-Estland, später Hamburg), FN Lindloff (Altona, Lüneburg, Suderburg)

      Ceterum censeo progeniem hominum esse deminuendam


      • Pauli s ucht
        Erfahrener Benutzer
        • 13.04.2011
        • 1374

        Hello Constanza,

        I found no matches with my Polemans but look at Thomas answer,
        he is amazing !!!

        You got an EMail
        about the origin of the name by a served name-researcher named Prof. Jürgen Udolph.
        Also, look at
        Familienname: Paulmann Zeit/Jahr der Nennung: vor 1877 Ort/Region der Nennung: Altmark / Magdeburg Guten Abend, aus Neugier möchte ich mal meinen Familiennamen an das fachwissende Forum weitergeben. Der Teil Paul-(us) wird wahrscheinlich aus dem Bereich Christentum stammen aber wie verhält es sich dann im Zusammenspiel mit


        Best regards
        Zuletzt geändert von Pauli s ucht; 05.07.2020, 07:13.
        Sachsen-Anhalt: Stodtmeister *um1704 +Mieste1774
        Huf- und Waffenschmied.
        (<1807 Neu-Ferchau?)
        Schleswig-Holstein: Andresen (*1760 Eggebeck),
        Jacobsen (+1830 Geilwang/Treia)


        • Xylander
          Erfahrener Benutzer
          • 30.10.2009
          • 6661

          concerning Polemann in Bremen. I think Thomas used this source

          Pauli, thanks for the hyperlink (Prof. Udolph). Are the Pohlmanns or some of them also belonging to these families?

          Best regards
          Zuletzt geändert von Xylander; 05.07.2020, 07:44.


          • Pauli s ucht
            Erfahrener Benutzer
            • 13.04.2011
            • 1374

            Hello Xylander,

            there is no connection to "my" Polemans in Suderburg.
            The name arise in several Villages in northern Germany without a context to other Polemans.
            I only take a notice for other Poleman-reseachers looking forward to help eachother.
            Thomas is so right when he wrote " Polemann family seems to be very interesting and widely-spread."

            It seems that Thomas find the right connection from Constanzas Polemans.
            She wrote about Hans Polemann her 3x geat-grandfather and a missing(?) or not clearly connection to Erdwin Poleman in Bremen.

            It seems that
            Hans Fried(e)rich Gustav 14. Oct 1768 Pinneberg(?)
            could be the missing puzzle.
            Hope Constanza have the right informations to approve this.
            Otherwise Thomas gave her a fantastic note to search in the Churchbooks.

            In this case I unfortunatly can´t help.
            But very intressting.

            Best regards
            Sachsen-Anhalt: Stodtmeister *um1704 +Mieste1774
            Huf- und Waffenschmied.
            (<1807 Neu-Ferchau?)
            Schleswig-Holstein: Andresen (*1760 Eggebeck),
            Jacobsen (+1830 Geilwang/Treia)


            • Xylander
              Erfahrener Benutzer
              • 30.10.2009
              • 6661

              Thanks, Pauli, this is, what I assumed too. Very interesting indeed
              Kind regards


              • conita_
                • 04.07.2020
                • 54

                I have no words to thank every one of you for this incredible information!!!
                Now I have information on 8 generations. I was missing the name of Hans Polemann father, but I had this hunch that was Peter Heinrich brother (he was a very interesting bothanic who discovered a plant named "polemannia" in South Africa)
                I transcribe to you how this goes:

                1) Ernst Heinrich, he is the father of:
                2) Hans Friedrich, Wilster's Mayor, father of:
                3) Friederich Otto Heinrich, who owned a pharmacy in Wesselburen, father of:
                4) Friedrich Gustav Eduard, who came to Argentina with his son:
                5) Carl, my great grandfather, father of:
                6) Carlos (son), my grandfather, so his son was:
                7) Carlos Alberto, my father
                8) And it all comes to me, Costanza

                When my ancestors came here, they took with him two items: one of them is painting of someone that sadly no one knows who he is, we have it here at home, and it's a painting of a man who is wearing what seems a 1700's clothes (and he looks exacly like my grandfather and my dad, so he has to be a Polemann member).
                The other item was a ring with a red rock on it, with the family shield inscripted. My father remembers it, as it was a family relic (sadly one of his uncles lost it...). It was always said that it belonged to a Lutheran Bishop. This is why I think that Erdwin is also my ancestor. Or else, why did Friedrich Eduard took this ring and painting with him to Argentina if he wasn't related or had a connection with this items?

                I hope this information serves you, or at least that you can find it intresting considering your good will and disposition to help me.
                Greetings to all, from Argentina with love!


                • conita_
                  • 04.07.2020
                  • 54

                  I also wanted to tell you, that 4 years ago I went to Germany for the first time, and visited de Saint Petri Dom in Bremen. Sadly, I couldn't find anyone to help me find information or even the graves where Erdwin and Mathias Polemann are. Now, I have an article regarding them that the people from Die Maus Bremen sent me and where they speak about them.
                  Sadly, as I don't speak german, I couldn't already find out what information says. A cousin is translating it, I have the hope that there would be cleared out the connection.


                  • conita_
                    • 04.07.2020
                    • 54

                    Hello again to everyone!

                    I'm trying to find information regarding of Johannes Polemann (born aparently in 1674, son of Johannes Polemann, the priest from Bremen). He was a priest in Winsen Luhe, and aparently he was the grandfather of Ernst Heinrich. So I'm trying to find there the connection...

                    Any kind of help would be very welcome!! Best regards!!

