KLINGENSCHMIDT aus Berks, Pennsylvania, United States

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  • Forscher_007
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 09.05.2012
    • 4442

    KLINGENSCHMIDT aus Berks, Pennsylvania, United States


    ich suche ergänzende Daten , evtl. Auswanderung, folgender Familie:

    Johann Daniel KLINGENSCHMIDT, * 1750 Berks, Pennsylvania, United States, + 1820 Berks, Pennsylvania, United States.

    Partner: 1769 abt Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States

    Anna HOMMER, 18.02.1748 Oberwambach, + 1800 Mercer, Pennsylvania, United States

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

  • bat6469
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 27.02.2010
    • 160

    Guten Morgen,
    ich weiß nicht ob es schon bekannt ist, vielleicht hilft es ja aber:

    Hier ein Auszug aus einem öffentlich zugänglichen Ancestry Post:

    In the fall of 1796 a company of Westmoreland County citizens visited the valley on a land-prospecting tour. These were the Klinegsmiths, Kecks, Loutzenisers, Christys, and perhaps others, several of whom selected lands in this township. Daniel Klingensmith, a german by birth, was the father of the family of that name, and in the spring of 1797 settled permanently on the site of the sit of the Greenville Rolling Mills, where both he and wife spent the balance of their lives. His wife was a sister of Jacob Hommer, Sr., and was also a native of Germany. His famiy consisted of three sons and three daughters, Peter, Daniel, John, Mary, who married Jacob Loutzeniser; Catharine became the wife of Joseph Keck, and Magdalena married Abraham Keck. His son Peter settled on the William Bortz farm, where a daughter, Susan, was born October 17, 1799, the first female born in the township. she became the wife of William McLaughlin. Peter finally sold his farm and removed into Pymatuning Township, where he passed the remaining years of his life, being drowned in the Big Run in 1842. His Brother Danile died young, and John Settled and died on the Howe farm. Excerpt from History of Mercer Count Pennsylvania 1888.

    und Anna Margarete Hammer in
    "U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s*
    Arrival Year 1765
    Arrival Place: Port uncertain

    Emigration from the Rhenish Palatinate and the Saarland in the 18th century. Date of emigration with intended destination or date and port of arrival. Sources of the information on emigration and town of origin also provided.

    Source Bibliography
    HACKER, WERNER. Auswanderungen aus Rheinpfalz und Saarland im 18. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart, Germany: Konrad Theiss Verlag, Villastrasse 11, W-7000 Stuttgart, 1987. 797p.

    Jacob Hammer:

    Arrival Year: 1700 - 1799
    Arrival Place: Maryland
    Port and date of arrival, or date and place of settlement or of first mention of residence in the New World. Taken from the registers of the Moravian church in Graceham, Maryland, as abstracted in 1942 by Henry James Young in Moravian Families of Graceham

    Source Bibliography:
    PALMER, MICHAEL. "German Origins of Some Moravian Settlers of Graceham, Maryland." In German Genealogical Society of America Bulletin, vol. 2:5 (May 1988), pp. 51-52; vol. 2:6 (June 1988), pp. 65-66.

    Daniel Klingenschmidt:
    Arrival Year: 1738
    Arrival Place: Pennsylvania
    Family Members:
    Wife Klingenschmidt, Anna Christina Reitenauer; Child Klingenschmidt, Maria Catharina

    Date and port of arrival. Name of ship, village of origin, and reference to original record may also be provided. Spouse and children, mentioned prior to emigration, were assumed by indexers to have accompanied emigrant. Much genealogical data is also provided.

    Source Bibliography:
    BURGERT, ANNETTE K. Eighteenth Century Emigrants from the Northern Alsace to America. Camden, ME: Picton Press, 1992. 690p.

    Wie gesagt, evtl. ist das alles schon bekannt....



    • Forscher_007
      Erfahrener Benutzer
      • 09.05.2012
      • 4442

      Hallo Stefan,

      vielen Dank für den Hinweis. War bisher nicht bekannt.
      Mit freundlichen Grüßen


