First let me thank you for allowing me to join your web site. I am hopeful that someone here can help me.
I have been looking for Julius Hebenstreit born October 1862 somewhere in Germany. He Immigrated to America in 1865 and any documents I have for him say he was born in Germany. I have been to every German web site I could find. Found Hebenstreit's, but no Julius. His fathers name was also Julius and his mothers name was Louise Wagner
I have the same problem with his wife Caroline Joseph. She came to the United States in 1883 with her sister Clementine. Unfortunately I do not have her parents names. She was born March 1861.
I know they were married here in New York, but I am unable as yet to find thier marriage certificate. This has been a 15 year search.
If anyone out there can help me, or give me a starting point,I would be eternally grateful.
Many Thanks
Denise Skewes
I have been looking for Julius Hebenstreit born October 1862 somewhere in Germany. He Immigrated to America in 1865 and any documents I have for him say he was born in Germany. I have been to every German web site I could find. Found Hebenstreit's, but no Julius. His fathers name was also Julius and his mothers name was Louise Wagner
I have the same problem with his wife Caroline Joseph. She came to the United States in 1883 with her sister Clementine. Unfortunately I do not have her parents names. She was born March 1861.
I know they were married here in New York, but I am unable as yet to find thier marriage certificate. This has been a 15 year search.
If anyone out there can help me, or give me a starting point,I would be eternally grateful.
Many Thanks
Denise Skewes