Nassau an der Lahn - Johann Christiaan Maurer ca 1770

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  • Kooistra
    • 27.06.2011
    • 9

    Nassau an der Lahn - Johann Christiaan Maurer ca 1770

    Apologies for writing this in English, I can speak and read German but wríting in the language is a whole different matter!

    My ancestor Johan(n) Christiaan Maurer died in Leeuwarden/Holland on 18 November 1829, aged 59 years ( so born ca 1770) and he was described as born in “Heinbergh bij Nassau aan de Lahn”.

    His parents were Johann Peter Maurer and Maria Clara Wolf(f), and they were Evangelisch-Luthers.

    Now I can’t find a “Heinbergh bei Nassau an der Lahn”, but I can find a “Hömberg” which I believe is the right place.

    Right, so I have his possible place of birth, but what now? Where do I go/search next?
    How can I find out if any Kirchenbücher from Hömberg still exist, and in which archive they are stored? And can I go there and have look at them to see if my ancestor is in there etc.
    Is there a Genealogical society in Nassau?

    Apologies for all these questions but I know next to nothing about how Ahnenforschung in Germany works , and I really do not know where to begin.

    Also, trying to find a Johann Christiaan Maurer in Germany is just almost impossible I think, as it seems áll male Maurers are called “Johann –somename- Maurer“ (and all female Maurers seem to be called “Anna –somename- Maurer” ….. ) Must be some sort of family-tradition ?

    Bin für jeden Hinweis sehr dankbar (in English oder Deutsch)
    Jan Willem
  • Peupi
    • 28.04.2012
    • 12

    Maurer Hömberg

    Hallo Jan Willem,

    ich kann Ihnen weiter helfen, bitte schicken Sie mir Ihre e-mail Anschrift!


