Saul, Wolf, Heinemann aus Thueringen

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  • wolfusa
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 12.12.2009
    • 1421

    Saul, Wolf, Heinemann aus Thueringen

    Suche Erklaerung fuer Saul/Wolf>
    siehe rote highlights.
    Gruss Wolfgang

    Bartholomaeus and Anna Margaretha (Saul [Wolf]) Hupe
    Bartholomaeus Hupe was born on June 13, 1690, in Kefferhausen, son of Hans and Anna (Heineman) Hupe*. He was baptized on June 13, 1690, at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Kefferhausen. His godparent was Bartholomaeus Zietz.
    * = The family surname in the church record for births is transcribed as Hub. The church records for deaths include Hans Hupe, age 60 years, died on March 12, 1699, buried in March 1699 in Kefferhausen, and Anna Hupe,* age 78 years, died on March 22, 1721, and was buried in March 1721 in Kefferhausen. These are the only deaths for a Hans and Anna Hupe in the early Kefferhausen church records, and so it seems likely that these records were for the parents of Bartholomaeus Hupe. The family surname in both records is transcribed as Huppe.
    Bartholomaues Hupe was the youngest child of the family.* He had an older brother, Nicolaus, born June 12, 1688, and baptized June 13, 1688, at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Kefferhausen; his godparent was Nicolaus Wederhold. The available church records begin in 1688 (with Nicolaus's baptism actually being the first entry), and it is likely there were other siblings born before 1688.
    * = There were no baptisms recorded for children of Hans and Anna (Heineman) Hupe after Bartholomaeus.
    Bartholomaues Hupe married Anna Margaretha Saul [Wolf].* Anna Margaretha Saul was born circa 1688 in Bickenriede.**
    * = Saul (Wolf)Her surname comes from marriage records for her children: The 1737 record for her daughter Anna Maria gives her surname as Wolf; the 1751 record for son Joannes gives the surname as Saul; and the 1756 record for daughter Maria Elisabeth gives both surnames . An Anna Dorothea Wolff of Bickenriede was godparent to Anna Margaretha Hupe's daughter Anna Margaretha, so there seems to be a connection to the Wolf surname that way also. It should also be noted that the record of her death has her birth surname as Eckardt, but that seems questionable. There was another Anna Margaretha Eckardt who had married a Martin Hupe, and the church recorder may simply have mixed up the two persons named Anna Margaretha Hupe in Kefferhausen.
    ** = Anna Margaretha was 47 years old at the time of her death in Kefferhausen in 1735, which places her birth about 1688. That she was from the nearby village of Bickenriede comes from the 1756 marriage record of her daughter Maria Elisabeth. Bickenriede, as previously noted, was also the place that likely relation Anna Dorothea Wolff was from.
    Anna Margaretha Hupe, age 47 years, died on October 20, 1735, and she was buried on October 21, 1735, in Kefferhausen. Bartholomaeus Hupe, age 66 years, died June 19, 1756, and he was buried on June 20, 1756, in Kefferhausen.
    Children of Bartholomaues and Anna Margaretha (Saul [Wolf]) Hupe:
  • silberjeagle
    • 02.04.2015
    • 33

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    • assi.d
      Erfahrener Benutzer
      • 15.11.2008
      • 2688

      Nur CTR+C drücken ist mir auch zu wenig...



      • Svenja
        Erfahrener Benutzer
        • 07.01.2007
        • 4388


        Ich denke er möchte wissen, warum sie teilweise als Saul und teilweise als Wolf und einmal mit beiden namen vermerkt wurde.

        Ich dachte zuerst dass es sich evtl. um zwei Frauen handeln könnte, also dass der Vater zweimal verheiratet war, aber da passt der Eintrag mit beiden namen nicht dazu.

        Her surname comes from marriage records for her children: The 1737 record for her daughter Anna Maria gives her surname as Wolf; the 1751 record for son Joannes gives the surname as Saul; and the 1756 record for daughter Maria Elisabeth gives both surnames.
        Das bedeutet also wohl, dass bisher nur die Heiratseinträge der Kinder gefunden worden sind, nicht aber deren Taufeinträge (oder dort wurde der name der Mutter nicht oder unvollständig erwähnt).

        Man sollte also nach den Taufeinträgen der Kinder sowie nach dem Heiratseintrag der Eltern und dem Taufeintrag der Mutter suchen, um die es ja geht.

        Da Kefferhausen und Bickenriede in Thüringen liegen, kann ich da leider nicht weiterhelfen.

        Zuletzt geändert von Svenja; 04.03.2020, 20:19.
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