Gottfried Muller born in Stettin 1727

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  • Jaakko1
    • 16.12.2023
    • 6

    Gottfried Muller born in Stettin 1727

    Dear forum,

    I am a Finnish citizen and cannot really understand German language.

    My wife's 6th great grandfather was a soldier Gottfried Muller from Stettin. He joined Swedish army in Goethenburg in 1748 and was transferred to Finland where he stayed since.

    I would like to find more information about this guy. I am particularly interested in his family (siblings, ancestors; what are his roots) but also about the life of his family in Stettin.

    I have him here:

    Johan Gottfried born in 25.6.1727 (father Gottfried, mother Regina Schroeder). I find him later in Swedish army records and from there I can track him. But what about his family and life in Stettin? Are there records for city burghers ( in Swedish records his dad is referred as a burgher), what profession did his father have? Did Gottfried have any siblings?

    Any other research tips and links to records are extremely helpful..I would also love to know what is actually written in the record I linked above. I cannot understand the handwritten part.

    I would be delighted if somebody could help me out!

  • benangel
    Erfahrener Benutzer
    • 09.08.2018
    • 4583


    In another birthrecord the profession of Gottfried Müller ist „Amtsmüller“.
    Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and resources.üller_(Beruf)
    Translation by google:
    Tenant millers, on the other hand, were only tenants of a mill. The owner of this mill was directly the landlord or a mill owner. If the mill belonged to an electoral office, it was called “Amtsmüller”; a nobleman, then e.g. B. from the “Wolfersdorf Müller”; If the landlord was a city, then its tenant miller was the “Ratsmüller” or “Stadtmüller”. The lease agreements, some of which have been preserved in the archives, were only concluded for a few years and were then either renewed or the mill was given to the applicant who was willing to pay the highest rent. For this reason, it was not easy for tenant millers to accumulate enough wealth to become owners of a mill themselves. The tenant millers are therefore a special profession whose genealogical research is often only possible through large-scale mapping. In Saxony, two thirds of all tenant millers were sons of millers, the rest were sons of farmers and craftsmen from town and country.

    1731 he was not longer a miller. At this time he was a „Brandweinbrenner“ (brandy distiller)
    Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and resources.

    1722 he was a „Maltzmüller“ (malt miller)
    Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and resources.
    Zuletzt geändert von benangel; 17.12.2023, 11:53.


    • Gastonian
      • 20.09.2021
      • 4710

      Hi Jaakko:

      The handwriting is difficult to read and has many abbreviations.

      I read the text in German as:

      27 [Juni] Mstr. Gottfried Müller Bürg. u. Brandw. Br.
      u. Fr. Regina Elis. Schroeder l. t. ihren S. Johann
      Gottfried G. 1) Mstr. Joseph Golnich, Bürger u. Alter-
      mann der Gürtler 2) Martin Schroeder, Einwohner
      in Grabow (3) Regina Elisab. Irninger [?], gebohrne
      Sp... D. Kind ist geb. d. 25t. Junij

      In translation:

      27 [June] Master Gottfried Müller burgher and liquor distiller
      and wife Regina Elisabeth Schroeder had baptised their son Johann
      Gottfried. Godparents: 1) Master Joseph Golnich, burgher and head-
      man of the beltmaker [guild] 2) Martin Schroeder, resident
      in Grabow 3) Regina Elisabeth Irninger [?] nee
      Sp... The child was born on 25 June


      Wohnort USA


      • Jaakko1
        • 16.12.2023
        • 6

        Excellent, thank you so much!!
        Very very interesting indeed.. hey I see that baptism takes place in Stettin, but does that imply that the family lived in Stettin or is there any other places mentioned in the handwritten parts?



        • benangel
          Erfahrener Benutzer
          • 09.08.2018
          • 4583


          sorry, but I cannot find another place in the records we found. In one record is the name of a mill, Vossmühle or Rossmühle, but I could not find it.


          • Gastonian
            • 20.09.2021
            • 4710

            Hi Jaakko:

            Yes, the baptisms in Stettin imply that they lived in Stettin. Unfortunately, I have not found at familysearch for Stettin a book of burghers (Bürgerbuch), i.e., list of names of new burghers and the dates on which they were admitted.

            The second godparent for Johann Gottfried Müller was a Martin Schroeder from Grabow. This suggests that the mother, Regina Elisabeth Schroeder, may have been from there, which was a suburb of Stettin and now is part of the city (,_Szczecin). Before 1866 Grabow was served by the St. Peter and Paul parish in Stettin. At familysearch there is a manual index for baptisms, marriages, and burials in this parish in the first entry here:


            Wohnort USA


            • Jaakko1
              • 16.12.2023
              • 6

              Guys, I have made a mistake! I have been looking at wrong Gottfried Muller!
              Damn.. I was under impression that he was born in Stettin, but in the Swedish army records it is clearly Gottfried Muller from Prenzlau!

     (there are no birth date here, but it is visible in later record, but this is clearly Prenzlau).

              This is likely him. But I cannot find any other information.

              Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and resources.

              I tried to look at Burgherbuch (Prenzlau)for his dad

              But i do not understand what this says, it looks like Muller but likely not Cristoph (Gottfrieds dad).

              He is not in these Prenzlau lists either

              I am afraid that i wont find any other information. Any suggestions?
              Also my deepest apologies for my mistake, you helped me alot but now it was all in vain!



              • Carolien Grahf
                Erfahrener Benutzer
                • 26.03.2021
                • 904


                Zitat von Jaakko1 Beitrag anzeigen
       (there are no birth date here, but it is visible in later record, but this is clearly Prenzlau).
                In the Generalmösterrullor I read Möller, not Müller. Compare the letter “u” in ->Capitulation. (But maybe it doesn't matter.)

                Zitat von Jaakko1 Beitrag anzeigen
                This is likely him. But I cannot find any other information.
                This entry says that the child Gottfriedt Müller was born on February 5, 1727 and was baptized on February 12, 1727 in the St. Sabinen Church in Prenzlau. His father's name is Christoph Müller and his mother's name is Sophia Müller, née Hunselmus.

                Zitat von Jaakko1 Beitrag anzeigen
                I tried to look at Burgherbuch (Prenzlau)for his dad
                But i do not understand what this says, it looks like Muller but likely not Cristoph (Gottfrieds dad).
                I'm reading Christof Micheler (?), a saddler who was born here.

                It is difficult to say whether Gottfried had any siblings. There appear to be no further records left. Or they are not (yet) digitized.
                Zuletzt geändert von Carolien Grahf; 19.12.2023, 22:42.


                • Gastonian
                  • 20.09.2021
                  • 4710

                  Hi Jaakko:

                  The church books for Prenzlau can be viewed at, a pay site for Protestant church books in Germany.

                  I have attached the baptismal entry for Gottfried Müller. The father Christoph Müller is not called a burgher (the abbreviation B. seen after the father's name in other entries) and is not called a Master (the abbreviation Mstr. seen before the father's name in other entries) - thus he likely will not be found in the Bürgerbuch before 1727.

                  The mother's maiden name has been transcribed as "Hunselmus" by familysearch, but I rather doubt that.


                  Angehängte Dateien
                  Wohnort USA


                  • Gastonian
                    • 20.09.2021
                    • 4710


                    Here is another child for the same couple - Catharina Elisabeth Müller, born 20 June 1733. Here the father Christoph Müller is described as a laborer (Arbeitsmann) - still not a burgher.
                    Angehängte Dateien
                    Wohnort USA


                    • Jaakko1
                      • 16.12.2023
                      • 6

                      Thanks again! What would you say about this labourer? Does it mean that his occupation was related to manufacture or such and not farmer. So, something not burgher and not farmer?

                      Do you have good literature or other sources regarding worklife during those times and this region. I would like understand what his profession could have been.


                      • Jaakko1
                        • 16.12.2023
                        • 6

                        Unfortunately I cannot read the handwritten parts.. does it say anything interesting?


                        • Gastonian
                          • 20.09.2021
                          • 4710

                          Hi Jaakko:

                          For the first one I read:

                          Gottfriedt Müller ist gebohren den 5 dieses [Monats Februaris 1727] ge-
                          taufft d. 12 dieses Sein Vater Christoph Müller Sei-
                          ne Mutter Sophie Henselinns [?] Pathn. 1. M[st]r. George
                          Kämpf b. u. Schneider; 2. M[st]r. Christoph Buch [?] b. u. Fischer
                          3. Cordt Brackner B. u. Taglöhner, 4. Eliesabeth Ragotz-
                          ki, des M[st]r. Michael utichts [?] Ehfr: 5. Sophia Sturms des
                          M[st]r. Johann Schultzens eines loß Beckers Ehefr.

                          In translation:

                          Gottfriedt Müller was born the 5th [February 1727]
                          baptised the 12th, his father Christoph Müller,
                          his mother Sophie Hinnselinns [?]. Godparents: 1. master George
                          Kämpf burgher and tailor; 2. master Christoph Buch [?] burgher and fisherman;
                          3. Cordt Brackner burgher and day laborer; 4. Eliesabeth Ragotz-
                          ki, wife of master Michael uticht [?]; 5. Sophia Sturms,
                          wife of master Johann Schultz, wheat baker

                          For the second one I read:

                          Catharina Eliesabeth Müller ist gebohren
                          den 20.t. und getaufft d. 27. dieses [Juni 1733]. Ihr Vater Christop
                          Müller, arbeits Mann. Ihr Mutter Sophia Hensel...
                          Pathen. 1. Maria Hoffmann des M[st]r. Klugers
                          eines Drechslers Ehfr. 2. Maria Hensels des M[st]r.
                          Christoph Colbergs Ehfr. 3. Fr: Dorothea Schultzen
                          des M[st]r. Jochen Mallins Ehfr: 4. Andreas Lipke
                          bürger und Bau Mann. 5. M[st]r. Johann Gieho [?]
                          bürger und Schuster

                          In translation:

                          Catharina Eliesabeth Müller was born
                          the 20th and baptised the 27th of [June 1733], her father Christop
                          Müller, laborer, her mother Sophia Hensel...
                          Godparents: 1. Maria Hoffmann, wife of master Kluger
                          a woodturner; 2. Maria Hensel, wife of master
                          Christoph Colberg; 3. Mrs. Dorothea Schultz,
                          wife of master Jochen Mallin; 4. Andreas Lipke,
                          burgher and builder; 5. master Johann Gleho [?]
                          burgher and shoemaker

                          "Labourer" ("arbetare" in Swedish) could be anything, as far as the kind of work is concerned; it merely implies a relatively low social standing (no fixed trade or skill).

                          The only death of a Christoph Müller in St. Sabina parish in Prenzlau that I could find after 1733 is that of "Christoph Müller ein Bau Knecht" (Christoph Müller a construction servant/laborer) on 23 June 1757 [burial entry nr. 42 in 1757); this implies that he was part of a construction crew for building houses or similar structures. The burial entry also does not call him a burgher; furthermore, it gives no age or clue to his origin. Since it does not name his wife, I can't even be sure this is the same Christoph Müller.


                          Zuletzt geändert von Gastonian; 20.12.2023, 15:13.
                          Wohnort USA


                          • Jaakko1
                            • 16.12.2023
                            • 6

                            Thank you very much for translation and comments regarding profession!
                            Very interesting. It seems that the family was still well connected to folks of higher social status (godparents seem to be burghers or masters).

                            But yeah, very nice information and important too!

                            Thanks again for your help guys!


